Op-Ed: Giving with a Soft Heart and Hard Head

My heart goes out to all of the Texans battling Hurricane Harvey and its vicious aftermath. It has been so moving to see the images of bravery and generosity. When the waters are rising fast, there is no age, no race, and no gender. From the Cajun Navy to Marines volunteering for the Xena Project to bring in stranded horses from neighboring ranches, this is America at its very best. From a distance, I want to be able to help so badly, but I want to use my head as well as my heart to be as effective and efficient as possible.

Republican Candidates for Town Council Face Off in Second Debate

Republican candidates for Town Council offered their views on on some of the town’s most controversial planning and zoning applications during the Republican Town Committee’s second candidates’ debate held at Town Hall Wednesday. Currently there are six Republican candidates for Town Council: Roy Abramowitz, Tom Butterworth, Mike Mauro, Rich Townsend and incumbents Penny Young and John Engel. They are jockeying for seats opening up on the Town Council this fall and thus are seeking party backing. When asked for his opinion on the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recent approval of the Merritt Village redevelopment downtown, Engel, who missed the first RTC debate in June, said, “Real estate is what I do—and I have a deep understanding of the Merritt Village project.”

“Number one, I respect the process,” he said of the recent approval. “We heard earlier that the Town Council doesn’t get involved in what P&Z should do—just like the first selectmen doesn’t tell them what to do—and I don’t think we should have a thumb on the scale with P&Z.

Letter: Rich Townsend the Right Choice for Town Council

Dear Editor,

I am writing to support Rich Townsend’s candidacy for Town Council. After living and raising his family in New Canaan for almost 30 (interrupted by a two-year job assignment in Paris), Rich has seen the town grow and evolve, yet the underlying strengths have not wavered: excellent schools, solid fiscal management and a large number of caring, talented citizens actively involved in the work of local government and community organizations. I have known Rich for 25 of those years as a dedicated husband, father, NYC-commuting corporate executive, community volunteer, local businessman, and fellow choir member (Yes, he can even sing!). Whether organizing a community pancake breakfast, feeding the masses at a church barbeque, organizing work crews and wielding a hammer for Habitat for Humanity, or counseling young people starting out in their careers, he brings intention and enthusiasm to every encounter, listens carefully, and responds respectfully. New Canaan is fortunate that Rich has decided to put his hat in the ring to bring his energy and discernment to our Town Council.

Letter: Rich Townsend for Town Council

Editor, New Canaanite:

I strongly support Rich Townsend for Town Council. I have had the privilege of working with Rich as a board member of the New Canaan Community Foundation where he served as Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee. Rich’s financial acumen and background as the CFO of a major corporation provide a skill set that is vitally important to New Canaan. Rich’s contributions to our community are broad based, going well beyond his financial expertise. His long-term residence in New Canaan and experience as a commuter have made him acutely aware of the issues we face.