Are Cars Speeding into the S-Curve on White Oak Shade [VIDEO]?

via YouTube

 [Note: This video was taken on Monday, March 3, 2014.]

Prompted by a speed complaint, town officials are looking into whether motorists are driving too fast into the sharp S-curve on White Oak Shade Road. The curve jags left and then right between Overlook Drive and Putnam Road for motorists traveling south on White Oak Shade. The town likely will start by using sentries to collect data about motorists’ speeds there, according to Tiger Mann, the town’s senior engineer and assistant director of the New Canaan Department of Public Works. In the past, the town has installed “rumble strips” in the roadway there to slow motorists and the approach worked, Mann said. The strips serve as small bumps for cars traveling over them and cause motorists to slow down before entering the S-curve, he said.