St. Aloysius School Morning Meet & Greet

Families interested in learning more about our school can attend our next Morning Meet and Greet. The program begins in Stapleton Hall for registration and light refreshments followed by an information session and tour of our school. This is a wonderful opportunity to see our school in action, take a tour of our building, and meet faculty, administration and parents. To register, please contact our Director of Admissions, Marybeth Nisco, at 203-966-0786 (ext. 109) or

St. Aloysius School Annual Raffle

Grand Prize: 2019 Mercedes GLA 250

Second Prize: $3,000 in VISA Gift Cards

Third Prize: Four (4) Tickets to Harry Potter on Broadway

Redeemable at the Lyric Theater, New York, NY

Ticket price: $100.00 each

Drawing date: Saturday, June 22, 7:30pm at the St. Aloysius Parish Feast

Only 1,000 tickets will be sold.

Did You Hear … ?

Tuesday saw one of the all-time worst parking jobs on Elm Street. Passersby and downtown workers wandered outside as events unfolded after a motorist parked the nose of a Volvo wagon in the handicapped space in front of Dunkin Donuts. The car was towed. ***

Parks officials said Wednesday that the town received about 230 applications for nonresident family permits to Waveny Pool. The town sold 120 of the permits—the Parks & Recreation Commission recommended they sell for $1,200 apiece—following a May 1 lottery.

PHOTOS: ‘Caffeine & Carburetors’ Kicks Off 2018 Season in Downtown New Canaan

Hundreds of classic and specialty car enthusiasts visited downtown New Canaan on a clear, crisp morning Sunday for the first Caffeine & Carburetors show of the 2018 season. People gripping coffee cups, baby strollers and dog leashes strolled along Pine Street and the one-way stretch of Elm, both cordoned off for pedestrians. Police, volunteers and members of the Community Emergency Response Team or ‘CERT’ guided visitors and motorists safely across Park Street and led out a limited number of show cars whose owners left early. “It’s going very well,” said Doug Zumbach, who founded Caffeine & Carburetors outside his eponymous coffee shop on Pine Street eight years ago. “Once again the enthusiasts have come out, the residents have come out.

Did You Hear … ?

More than 10 motorists who received parking tickets came to Thursday’s Parking Commission meeting to fight them, and a strange thing happened: Two of those in attendance who by chance sat down next to each other also learned they have the same last name. Michael Dooley on Feb. 11 received a ticket when his fiancée (Jessica, she was there too) punched in the wrong number on a space she in fact had paid for (the car is registered in his name) at Talmadge Hill Station lot. Edward Dooley one week later typed in the wrong space number on the Pay-by-phone app when he parked in the lot on the south side of the train station. Both Dooleys brought receipts to the hearing, and the commission voided their tickets.