Letter: Republican Town Council Candidates Are ‘Excellent’

Editor, New Canaanite:

We are fortunate to have four excellent Republican candidates for Town Council. Penny Young has been a major contributor to the town for many years. She brings institutional memory with a deep understanding of our town government. Penny has always been a strong proponent of fiscal responsibility in government. Tom Butterworth’s background as an attorney enables him to think carefully through issues.

Letter: Tom Butterworth ‘Is What We Need’ on Town Council


Tom Butterworth is running for Town Council, and I support his candidacy. Tom is a reasonable, energetic and spirited member of the New Canaan community, who is concerned about maintaining the integrity of our town’s political process in the context of fair-minded and rational debate. He has seen what happens when a few citizens armed with less than fully baked notions of public safety take on volunteer commissioners who have openly and thoroughly studied the pros and cons of a course of action—it’s not pretty, and Tom wants better for our town. He will listen to the citizens of New Canaan, but he will always seek to support and work cooperatively with our selectmen and the volunteer commissioners who love New Canaan. Tom Butterworth is a man who brings out the best in others; he knows how to lead, and he knows how to motivate.

Republican Candidates for Town Council Face Off in Second Debate

Republican candidates for Town Council offered their views on on some of the town’s most controversial planning and zoning applications during the Republican Town Committee’s second candidates’ debate held at Town Hall Wednesday. Currently there are six Republican candidates for Town Council: Roy Abramowitz, Tom Butterworth, Mike Mauro, Rich Townsend and incumbents Penny Young and John Engel. They are jockeying for seats opening up on the Town Council this fall and thus are seeking party backing. When asked for his opinion on the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recent approval of the Merritt Village redevelopment downtown, Engel, who missed the first RTC debate in June, said, “Real estate is what I do—and I have a deep understanding of the Merritt Village project.”

“Number one, I respect the process,” he said of the recent approval. “We heard earlier that the Town Council doesn’t get involved in what P&Z should do—just like the first selectmen doesn’t tell them what to do—and I don’t think we should have a thumb on the scale with P&Z.

Letter: Tom Butterworth for Town Council

Editor, New Canaanite:

New Canaan is fortunate to have Tom Butterworth running for Town Council. I have known Tom for more than 30 years, both as a co-worker and partner at Hewitt Associates and as a local resident. Tom’s background as an attorney enables him to think carefully through issues. After retiring from Hewitt, he worked in financial planning. Tom is an engaging, intelligent person with a terrific sense of humor who works effectively with others.

Op-Ed: Why I’m Running for Town Council

I’m a sucker for a good cause. I’m always inspired by the film classic, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” where an ordinary citizen fights for what he believes is right. I found a good cause at the April 24 meeting of the Utilities Commission, at which public input was sought on a proposal to improve cell phone service. The meeting was a train wreck. The UC members are smart, caring, and technically savvy volunteers whose only interest is to make New Canaan a safer, better place to live.