10 thoughts on “‘We Have Work To Do’: Community Gathers for Stirring Service Honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  1. Thank you for your coverage of this event. It was a privilege to hear Rev. Reedy – her personal remembrance of the assassination of Dr. King, her honesty and her call to action. Thank you to the Interfaith Council, incredible musicians – Ms. Moore (INCREDIBLE), the ABC House – leadership and scholars, Pivot Ministries, student musicians, faith leaders, and the Methodist Church for hosting all of us.

  2. wonderful article, Michael. Thank you. One more person to thank is Marla Chisholm, with the Methodist Church, who did much of the planning and preparation work for the service,

    • Marla Chisholm was terrific! She gave a beautiful introduction of Rev. Reedy. I hope I have a chance to thank her for the event in person sometime soon!

  3. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” –Martin Luther King

    If we can agree that honesty is important, then let’s be honest. Today’s social justice movement contends that race is essential to one’s character rather than incidental to it, that equal outcomes are the goal rather than equal opportunities, that diversity is more important than merit.

    Perhaps our current racial polarization wouldn’t be so extreme if activists, and corporate media, weren’t so committed to perverting MLK’s dream.

    Sorry for bothering with the details.

  4. Mr. Taylor, I highly suggest you read the rest of Dr King’s “I Have A Dream” speech vs cherry-picking a favorite, misused quote. You will find your interpretation isn’t as honest as you’ve somehow been led to believe. Dr King’s wife, Coretta, and daughter Bernice, have both expressed vexation at those who remove that quote from its larger content and meaning and misinterpret Dr King’s original intent, as you’ve done here. The “I Have A Dream” speech is powerful and moving and worth studying in depth, especially by those people and political organizations that opt to water down its meaning by highlighting a single sentence for their own gain. This is not how we are meant to honor the legacy of an American hero such as Dr King.

    • Monica:

      The quote was taken from Reverend Reedy and the article above.

      It’s a famous quote because its simplicity and clarity doesn’t require interpretation. The idea expressed in the quote directly contradicts racial essentialism, which is what’s being advocated today. Maybe the people who are coercing others into a different set of ideas can benefit by going back and re-reading the speech and the quote. Alternatively, you could stand for what you believe in, rather than honor Dr. King.

  5. Also forgot to mention this was an absolutely fantastic article, Mike. I wasn’t able to attend the service but your coverage of the event made me feel as though I was present. It seemed like a wonderful event. Thank you for this excellent piece and kudos to our InterFaith community leaders for bringing this to life. What a proud and inspiring moment for New Canaan.

  6. Thank you, Mike, for this wonderful article about the Interfaith Council of New Canaan’s 22nd annual service to honor the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. As speaker Rev. Adrienne Reedy said, we are still trying to put into practice (in 2024) the goals King put forth (in 1964). The article in the New Canaanite captured the essence of the speakers and the musicians, and the service highlighted the diversity and racial justice/reconciliation both present and needed in our community and in our country.

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