Though their presence at Waveny Pool raised some eyebrows last summer, out-of-towners will be able to purchase family passes for the facility’s 2014 season.
Officials on Friday approved a slate of fees for this summer, including a $1,000 nonresident family pass—a practice that’s expected to boost what recently has been a flat membership, and associated revenue, according to Recreation Director Steve Benko.

Waveny Pool, March 2014. Credit: Michael Dinan
“There was a lot of controversy last summer because we took in 100 nonresidents,” Benko said during a special meeting of the Board of Selectmen, held in the training room at the New Canaan Police Department.
Yet the extra bodies at Waveny Pool have been welcome in the wake of a membership decline that recreation officials saw in the wake of the 2008 economic downturn. What likely happened, Benko said, was that many New Canaanites were forced to give up memberships to private clubs at that time, and that opened up coveted spots for Waveny Pool-goers who had been on waiting lists.
In 2009, the town saw a drop of about 165 families, Benko said, and though 15 to 20 new families may join each year, that just covers natural attrition and no more “so it’s pretty much a wash” (his words).
The selectmen unanimously approved the proposed 2014 fees. First Selectman Rob Mallozzi commended the Park and Recreation Commission and recreation staff for taking a “good, hard look at enterprise funds” and settling on the nonresident fee as a result.
Selectman Nick Williams said: “One hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money.”
Here are the 2014 Waveny Pool fees. It opens Memorial Day weekend.
- Family Pass—$475
- Individual Pass—$225
- Daily Pass—$125 plus $5 per visit
- Senior Citizen—$70 for age 62 and older
- Nanny Pass—$125
- Non-Resident Family Pass—$1,000
I think it is important to note here that ONLY the price has been set for Non-resident pool passes. There has been NO decision yet as to whether or not they will be sold.
The town need to raise $140,000 for a new pool liner. If they do not meet their numbers for the improvements from the sale of New Canaan resident passes alone, they may be forced to sell passes to non- residents.