Election 2024: Letters of Endorsement


NewCanaanite.com received the following letters of endorsement. No new endorsement letters will be published after Oct. 21.


I like to say that the Federal government determines how we are governed, while the state and local government determines how we live. While we are all focused on the national ticket, how you vote on the state and local ticket will have much more of an impact on how you live in New Canaan. 

The New Canaan Republican Town Committee supports candidates who believe in freedom of speech, freedom of thought, meritocracy and self-determination. We are focused on education, public safety, and the cost of living, fiscal responsibility is more than a catch phrase. We don’t believe that government should be telling you what you should do or where your deficiencies are, life is complicated and we are all doing our best as parents and caregivers. We believe state and local government should provide terrific services like education and policing while creating a level playing field based on equality, not equity, and governed by merit where anyone who works hard enough in America has a chance to succeed. Government should then leave the parenting to parents. 

Republican incumbents Rep. Tom O’Dea and Sen. Ryan Fazio are walking embodiments of the New Canaan Republican ethos. They have worked in a bi-partisan manner with Governor Ned Lamont to act as a restraint to the extreme liberal excesses of the state legislature while championing legislation that benefits New Canaan. They are joined on the campaign trail by Kami Evans and Kim Healy, who are running for State Senate and State Representative, respectively. I am proud to strongly endorse Tom, Ryan, Kami and Kim. How our representatives, including Tom and Ryan, translate our values into policy is clear:

Law Enforcement: Our representatives unquestionably Back the Blue. When our officers put on their bulletproof vests every day to come protect New Canaan, we want their families to know their loved ones are supported and appreciated. In 2020, Connecticut Democrats passed a bill along party lines, which altered qualified immunity for police, increased scrutiny of officers, and imposed more restrictions around the apprehension of suspected criminals. Rep. Tom O’Dea voted against this bill, and Sen. Ryan Fazio has actively opposed it in his campaigns. Policing is an inherently dangerous, often thankless job, imagine if you believe those you risk your life for do not support you. There are now significant shortages across police recruitment in the state, with 1,000 vacant police positions open as of 2023, with some towns reducing their School Resource Officers’ time spent protecting schools because of staff shortages. Sen. Ryan Fazio has been endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police and the Stamford Police Association, with Association President David O’Meara writing, “We know that Senator Fazio will fight to reduce gun violence, car thefts and other serious crimes…Police have been under siege from state leadership and state policy…which has undermined officer morale, recruitment, and public safety. Sen. Fazio has been opposed to this law and other anti-law enforcement policies without equivocation since he first ran for office.” It’s telling that no Democrat candidate in New Canaan has been endorsed by any police association. In fact, the non-partisan Chief of Police in Greenwich recently blamed Democrat sponsored laws on complicating policing and encouraging crime, stating “A number of years ago, state laws and policy changed…police can no longer engage a stolen vehicle in a high-speed pursuit. This forced us to use other methods to identify and arrest those who steal cars, and it has made it much harder. It is also frustrating that those responsible for stealing our cars face little consequence for committing these crimes.” 

Zoning: Sen Ryan Fazio has long criticized state efforts to impose zoning mandates. He has worked to defeat legislation like House Bill 5390, which would have allowed multi-unit residential buildings within one mile of transit stations without local approval. According to Sen. Fazio, “I worked to stop that bill because it would have allowed developers to come into our communities and build high-rises without any local say.” Sen. Fazio believes that municipalities like New Canaan should have the final say in how they handle zoning and infrastructure. Ryan Fazio’s opponent had no statement on zoning laws during their debate in Greenwich and is supported by many of the biggest proponents of 8-30g, the liberal law which overrides zoning laws in town like New Canaan if affordable housing thresholds are not met, paving the way for 100-unit buildings on Weed Street. 

Illegal immigration: The Republican party believes strongly in legal immigration, the bedrock of America, but we believe the current system allowing an influx of illegal immigrants is fatally flawed. Who is President determines how many illegal immigrants cross the border, but our state government plays a large part in determining how many are incentivized to make that dangerous trek and come to Connecticut. Creating incentives for millions of people to pay gang members to herd them through a thousand mile trek full of assaults, rapes, and robberies is not only stupid, it’s inhumane. One of the first acts Democrats undertook after taking control of the Governor’s office over a decade ago was to make Connecticut a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants. In 2013, Connecticut Democrats passed legislation making it more difficult for law enforcement to detain illegal immigrants, even those who had committed misdemeanors, and communicate with ICE (Immigration Enforcement). According to Federal law, if an illegal immigrant commits a crime where he or she is incarcerated for over 1 year, they would trigger automatic deportation. As a result, in 2021, Connecticut Democrats lowered the maximum sentence for Class A misdemeanors, which include assault, criminally negligent homicide, and sexual assault in the 4th degree, to 364 days, so convicted criminals would not be deported. In 2023, the Democratic legislature expanded free healthcare to all illegal immigrants under the age of 15 at an estimated cost of $38 million per year and are pushing to make healthcare free for all illegal immigrants under the age of 25, with an eye towards universal coverage for all illegal immigrants at a cost of $83 to $121 million to the state. Illegal immigrants do not file tax returns, so it is almost impossible to gauge income thresholds for benefits. Instead of creating a situation where millions risk their lives to illegally enter the country and compete with legal citizens for benefits, we must elect representatives with a sensible plan. 

Cost of Living: Fiscal conservatism has been the mantra of the Republican party for decades. No one on Wall Street believes we are headed into a decade of runaway wealth creation, yet the Connecticut government is taxing and spending like we are. Sen. Fazio has laid out a six-point plan for reducing energy costs and highlighted a previously “hidden” public benefits tax buried in our electric bills. The charge funds over 40 different government programs unrelated to energy. Eliminating this charge could save residents up to $500 per year on their electricity bills. “We need to cut these unnecessary charges,” Fazio said, pointing out that the charge was unique to Connecticut. According to the Fazio campaign, Connecticut has the third highest energy costs in the country next to Hawaii and California. Democrats are trying to sound like Republicans this cycle by talking about tax breaks, but the fact remains that Connecticut has the third highest real estate taxes in the country. We absolutely cannot wait for a fiscal emergency to start thinking sensibly about costs.

Education and local control: Democrat Senator and Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney has floated two bills looking to push New Canaan schools to regionalize with its neighbors, including Darien and Norwalk. Both times, local Democrats claimed the bills were too crazy to support. However, Looney is an elected leader of the Democratic party, and if he can flip 1 or 2 Republican seats he has a supermajority. All our candidates support local, New Canaan, control of our school system. (note 8)

Reproductive Rights: New Canaan Democrats are running their 2022 playbook which is focused on national issues, with fear-mongering about abortion being their main topic. Their ads against Ryan Fazio have been disingenuous at best, outright lies at worst. All 4 of our state candidates, Tom, Ryan, Kami and Kim, support keeping abortion legal. If abortion is at risk, why did the Democrats abandon Trevor Crow, a self-described “mother, author, and practicing therapist” for Nick Simmons, a 30-something man, to come defend women’s rights? Crow ran a strong campaign, lost by less than 1% in 2022 and wanted a rematch, but was unanimously rejected by the New Canaan Democrat Town Committee. Either the New Canaan Democrats believe a young man is a better defender of women’s rights than a mother, or they know their abortion fear-mongering is a gaslight and there is zero risk to abortion rights in Connecticut. Currently there are 98 Democrats and 53 Republicans in the Connecticut House and 24 Democrats and 12 Republicans in the Senate. Anti-abortion advocates would need to flip 40 to 50 seats across the legislature and fill them with anti-abortion candidates and win the Governor’s office with an anti-abortion candidate to even threaten a woman’s right to choose in this state.

Anti-Semitism: Ryan, Tom and our candidates stand firmly with our Jewish friends and constituents without equivocation. Period. Full stop. 

Democrats have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from New York City liberals to unseat Sen. Fazio, because if they do, they get a veto-proof super majority. Democrats have been effectively in control of Connecticut for the better part of a decade. They should be running on their record, but instead have been trying to scare voters into conflating national issues with local representatives. Rep. Tom O’Dea and Sen. Ryan Fazio have been the embodiment of New Canaan values, representing us at every major moment we’ve experienced in these eventful past few years. Tom and Ryan fought for and received funding for the wildly successful Playhouse Theater, they listened to parents who fought outdated mask mandates, they’ve battled to Save Weed Street and to keep zoning decisions local. They’ve worked hand in hand with our local elected officials, and as a result they’ve helped keep New Canaan the Next Station to Heaven. Their voices will be magnified if Kami and Kim are able to flip their seats as well. I am ecstatic to strongly endorse my friends, Rep. Tom O’Dea, Sen. Ryan Fazio, Kami Evans and Kim Healy. 

Jonathan Cheng

Chairman, New Canaan Republican Town Committee


Dear Editor,

It is my honor and privilege to endorse the Democratic candidates running for state office to represent New Canaan in this year’s election. With the intent to offer our voters a real choice, the New Canaan Democratic Town committee has endorsed candidates running for each office, including challengers to incumbents. 

Our candidates are moderate Democrats who observe state laws and support local control over schools and zoning. Moreover, they support our values of protecting women’s freedom and access to health care. They strongly advocate for common sense gun safety to keep our children safe in schools. Our candidates are fiscally conservative and align with our Governor Ned Lamont who has reduced our debt and kept state finances under control, including protecting the Rainy-Day Fund and adhere to state budget guard rails while delivering support to our local districts. 

Nick Simmons, running for State Senate District 36, who worked as Governor Lamont’s Deputy Chief of Staff, will be an effective leader in our state capitol. Ceci Maher, running for reelection in State Senate District 26, will continue to advocate for children and families. Lucy Dathan, who represents Silvermine and advocates for New Canaan, will proceed with exercising fiscal oversight on the Appropriations committee to keep spending under control. Jason Bennett, a technology officer and father of three young children, will seek to bring more innovation to Connecticut’s economy. And Savet Constantine will work to protecting our outstanding education system and advocate for seniors and community safety.

The democrats running to represent New Canaan are committed to reducing the cost of living for Connecticut residents and to continue our Governors’ success in providing both fiscal stability and economic growth in our state. They deserve our support.


Christina Fagerstal

Chair, New Canaan Democratic Town Committee



As election day nears, New Canaan voters have important roles in ensuring Connecticut’s continued economic growth, support safety against gun violence and back the foundational principle that women and their doctors, not politicians in Washington and Hartford, can make decisions regarding their reproductive rights.

Nick Simmons, running for the 36th District Senate, supports lowered taxes, growing the state’s economy and maintaining fiscal responsibility in Hartford. With his background as deputy chief of staff to Gov. Ned Lamont, Simmons is deeply knowledgeable about state operations and can be a voice for the constituent needs of New Canaan, Stamford and Greenwich, the towns in his district. Having seen government up close, he knows the benefits of lower taxes, reducing costs and investing in infrastructure can yield. With those positions, Nick has also been endorsed by the Independent Party.

Seeking election in the 125th House District, Jason Bennett would be a new day for the district, an advocate for reproductive rights, protecting the environment  and growing the state’s economy through innovation. As an innovator, Bennett is chief technology officer of a technology consulting firm and understands what it takes for a small business to succeed. Concerned about people, he has served as a volunteer crisis counselor. The father of three young children, he is committed to prioritizing and maintaining excellence in our schools.

Both Nick and Jason will serve as dedicated, thoughtful voices for moving our state and our towns forward, putting constituents at the forefront of their efforts, and working to improve our state and our towns.

Michael Dorfsman


Dear Editor:

This letter is in support of re-electing Senator Ryan Fazio and Representative Tom O’Dea.  In an age wear “politicians” talk a good game but fail to show the courage to speak up for common sense and humane policies in a state government dominated by one-party, Ryan and Tom are outspoken advocates for their constituents. They spend an extraordinary time in their community to ensure they keep their pulse on the bread-and-butter issues that matter most in their district. For example, the outrageous increase in energy bills and the pernicious erosion of towns determining how best to address housing affordability mandates.  Ryan and Tom bring the voice of their district to Hartford to fight for what matters locally.  So, when you go to vote ask yourself: who is really looking out for my family’s ability to pay the bills, live in a safe town with quality education and have local community leaders decide on how the town should develop its housing stock? The choice is easy if your vote is guided by solving issues that directly affect you, your family and your, neighbors on a daily basis.

Michael Mauro


A seat at the table really?

National races get most of the focus but the reality is that ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL… What our elected state legislators do in Hartford impacts our lives every single day. The suggestion to vote Democrat for State Senate and State Rep in New Canaan because they “have a seat at the table” is utter nonsense.  Which table?  The kids table?  Democrats in Hartford have to let their leaders know if they want to vote “NAY” or some have actually “taken a walk” during a vote if they have not received permission from their leaders to vote against any of the extreme and controversial bills.

The few remaining “Blue Dog Democrats” who are moderates is dwindling, since the local Democratic political machine takes them out each election – like they have in Stamford during their primaries this year. How do I know this? I co-founded CT169Strong that fights for local control of zoning in Hartford and we fight to protect the oversight by our LOCAL P&Zs, Inland Wetlands and other boards and commissions.

FACT: The Democrats have an almost 2/3 majority in both houses in Hartford (only 1 seat in Senate and only 3 seats in the House to a Governor veto proof super majority) – they can already call and pass any extreme or controversial concepts without a single Republican vote.

FACT: Tom O’Dea is the Deputy Minority Leader in Hartford, and Ryan Fazio is a Ranking on Planning & Development Committee, so they most certainly have more than a “seat at the table.” They have worked collaboratively across the aisle to get the first real reforms to 8-30g so New Canaan can get moratorium credit for its efforts to create affordable housing as it has done so at Millport and Canaan Parish.  Ryan stood strong last day of session preventing the calling of the Desegregate CT bill in the Senate this year that passed in the House with “YEA” Democratic votes of Lucy Dathan and Keith Denning. The last-minute bill language that legislators in the House did not get a chance to read was a Sophie’s Choice: lose future opportunity for any state grant funding like STEAP, or submit to state mandated one size fits all zoning from a non-elected bureaucrat or their vague “appointee” (could that be a developer advocate?). That is just one example of extreme policy making. See CT169Strong.org for more on all of that.

What did we get when there was an 18-18 tie in the Senate? The Fiscal Guardrails, which have started to turn CT around financially. That year they also passed a bipartisan BALANCED budget, with the first draft of the budget written by the Republicans.  Since then, CT has passed some of the most aggressive anti-small business policies in the country and this has led to an out-migration of businesses and residents from most of CT, despite our Covid bump in population in Fairfield County. We have the 3rd highest property taxes in the U.S. because of the unfunded mandates on municipalities – instead of putting the costs of state policies into the state budget, legislators are now pushing the costs onto towns as unfunded mandates, that raises our local property taxes.

Connecticut has the 3rd highest energy costs after Hawaii and California, which Governor Lamont was quoted in a recent news article, prevents businesses from coming to CT. There are 40+ public benefit charges tacked onto our electric bills instead of being funded in the state budget. Sean Scanlon, CT’s Democratic State Comptroller, approves of the fiscal guardrails and yet the leaders of the Democratic 2/3 majority in the legislature are calling to dismantle those guardrails next session. The guardrails are the only firewall is to bring more checks and balances to Hartford.

State Rep Tom O’Dea, the Deputy Minority Leader in Hartford, brought Jason Rojas, House Majority Leader, Governor Lamont, and the Head of Dept. of Housing to New Canaan to see the affordable units we have created. The developer advocates and legacy media will continue to vilify New Canaan because it serves their narrative of attacking more affluent communities that benefit from New York metro area economic engine. That causes our property values and salaries to be much higher than the rest of the state, but we locally have and continue to do the work here in New Canaan to offer better opportunities for affordability.

We owe a debt of gratitude to Scott Hobbs, Chris Hussey, Bernie Simpkin, and others who have worked tirelessly on a non-partisan basis to bring more affordable housing to New Canaan. We especially owe thanks to my fellow Hungarian, Laszlo Papp, who first created our Affordable Housing Fund decades ago, for his vision to bringing an affordable funding source to New Canaan, when the state has not always stepped up as it does in the cities.

State Representative and Deputy Minority Leader Tom O’Dea and State Senator Ryan Fazio have consistently served New Canaan’s interests and deserve to be re-elected. If we want real bipartisan collaboration to solve CT’s most vexing issues and to prevent EXTREME POLICIES in Hartford, then that only comes with checks and balances, not a 2/3 super majority of Democrats. So please, VOTE ROW B for a better CT!

Maria Dezse Weingarten



I am writing in support of Ryan Fazio, Tom O’Dea, Kim Healy and Kami Evans in the 2024 election.  Ryan and Tom have proven themselves as effective legislators who work productively across the aisle, and all four are committed to representing all the citizens and taxpayers of New Canaan in our state government.  We need true bipartisan representation in the Connecticut General Assembly, and electing these four Republicans will help to ensure that we have it.  To suggest that electing any of their Democrat opponents would bring any meaningful “change” to Hartford is preposterous.  Since 1996, the CT State Senate has seen a Democrat majority every year except in 2016, when that body was evenly split, 18 to 18.  Since 1992, the CT House of Representatives has always been a Democrat majority.  It is precisely the Democrat-controlled Connecticut state legislature that has repeatedly raised taxes and enacted legislation that erodes local control over zoning, driving businesses and residents out of our state.  To allow a super-majority to exist in the State Senate would only continue that trajectory, and further erode any sense of bipartisan representation.  Please join me in supporting our Row B candidates.

Respectfully submitted,

Eric Thunem


To the Editor – 

I am writing to endorse Ryan Fazio for State Senator in the 36th District.  Ryan cares about the issues that are important to New Canaan and has a track record of fighting for our interests in Hartford.  He is a bipartisan leader with a track record of delivering for his constituents.

Education is an issue that is important to me.  I moved to New Canaan so that my kids could benefit from the high-quality schools that this town offers.  These great schools are no accident – they are the product of years of investment, positive parental involvement, exceptional teachers and administrators and a school’s board that is keeps the focus on education.  

I am concerned that a one-size-fits-all reading program and proposals for school regionalization would destroy what we have built.  We need an ally in Hartford who will understands that the path to a better education system statewide is to celebrate and emulate success, not trying to impede our great schools.

Ryan Fazio knows our town and cares about what is important to us.  He will fight for local control in education and against unhelpful mandates from Hartford.  Vote for Ryan on November 5th.

Samantha Davids


Dear Editor,

With election day just a few short weeks away some may lose focus on the candidates that may have the greatest effect on our towns and neighborhoods. Members of the state government can often dictate more of our daily lives than national candidates do. That is why it is crucial to select candidates that represent the unique needs of our town and see the perils of employing a one size fits all approach to the many problems that face Connecticut today.

We need representatives that support local decision-making for our schools, looks for common sense zoning solutions to address affordable housing needs, and insists on fiscal guardrails that reign in deficit spending. I believe Ryan Fazio, Tom O’Dea and Kim Healy have demonstrated that they support and value the core belief that a town’s residents are best suited to find the most effective solutions to many of the problems that CT faces today. Ryan and Tom have been on the front lines for the fight for reasonable approaches to affordable housing and responsible fiscal policy for our state. All three of these candidates speak often to the challenges and intricacies of zoning laws like 8-30G, demonstrating a thorough understanding and dedication to finding more balanced and equitable solutions for all CT residents. We desperately need Ryan Fazio, Tom O’Dea and Kim Healy to represent our towns if we want officials that will fight for us in Hartford.

James Yao


I am writing to offer my full endorsement of Tom O’Dea for State Representative. As someone who has long admired Tom’s work and dedication to our community, I believe he is an exceptional public servant who has consistently put the needs of his constituents first.

Throughout his time in office, Tom has been a tireless advocate for responsible government, lower taxes, and the protection of individual liberties. His focus on promoting fiscal discipline has helped ensure that our state operates within its means, avoiding burdensome tax increases while encouraging economic growth and job creation. Tom understands the importance of creating an environment where businesses can thrive, and his policies have always reflected a strong commitment to that principle.

Tom O’Dea has also been a champion for improving public safety, education, and infrastructure. He has worked diligently to support law enforcement and first responders, ensuring they have the resources necessary to keep our communities safe. His focus on education is equally impressive, as he has consistently advocated for policies that provide students with the best possible opportunities while ensuring that teachers are supported and schools are held accountable.

One of Tom’s greatest strengths is his ability to work across party lines. He is a principled leader who is unafraid to collaborate with others to find common-sense solutions to the challenges we face. His pragmatic approach has earned him respect on both sides of the aisle, and he consistently puts the needs of his constituents above partisan politics.

Tom O’Dea has a proven track record of delivering results for our community. His commitment to service, his deep understanding of the issues that matter most to us, and his unwavering dedication to doing what is right make him the best choice for State Representative. I am confident that he will continue to represent us with integrity, determination, and thoughtfulness.

For these reasons, I am proud to endorse Tom O’Dea for State Representative, and I encourage everyone to support his re-election.


Pavla Levin


I am writing in support of Kim Healy for State Representative in Connecticut’s 42nd House District.

Kim has always been an advocate for local control. This is evident with her work on the State’s Reading Leadership Implementation Council and her opposition to a one size fits all approach which removes control from school districts that are already performing at the highest levels.  She understands that we need local communities to be involved in the affordable housing solution and will work to implement practical/collaborative solutions that make sense.

Kim has always advocated for the values of her constituents for lower taxes, local control and supporting first responders. Her values will continue to allow those communities to evolve and flourish.

She has done a great job as a Selectwoman in Wilton, let’s send her to  Hartford so she can work to make our state a better place to live in.


Bob Naughton


I am writing to express my strong endorsement of Ryan Fazio for State Senate. Having closely followed his career and public service, I believe Ryan is an exemplary candidate who has the experience, commitment, and integrity needed to represent our community effectively.

Ryan Fazio is a proven leader who consistently demonstrates his dedication to the well-being of all residents. As a fiscal conservative, he is committed to ensuring responsible government spending, lowering taxes, and fostering economic growth. His approach to economic issues is thoughtful, and he recognizes the importance of creating a business-friendly environment that will stimulate job creation and innovation.

Beyond economic issues, Ryan has a strong commitment to safeguarding the rights of individuals and families. He understands the concerns of hardworking families in our district and is a staunch advocate for policies that will improve education, healthcare access, and public safety. His approach to education focuses on empowering parents, supporting teachers, and ensuring that every child has access to a high-quality education, regardless of their background.

Ryan is also dedicated to preserving the environment for future generations. His understanding of energy policy and environmental issues allows him to advocate for common-sense solutions that protect our natural resources while encouraging innovation and sustainable practices.

Most importantly, Ryan Fazio is a principled leader who listens to the concerns of his constituents and strives to build consensus across party lines. In an era of divisiveness, his pragmatic and cooperative approach stands out, ensuring that our community’s needs are always at the forefront of his decision-making.

I have no doubt that Ryan Fazio will continue to serve our district with integrity and effectiveness, and I wholeheartedly endorse his candidacy for State Senate. He is the right choice to lead our community.


Pavla Levin


I am pleased to support Kim Healy for State Representative.  As a CPA and former auditor, Kim has extensive experience in fiscal responsibility. She is focused on local issues that are important to our town. As a current member of the Board of Education I am acutely aware of local needs and how important representation is. Kim has been appointed to the Reading Leadership Implementation Council and is a strong voice for local control. I am confident that Kim will be an advocate for our positions while in Hartford.  Please join me in electing this well qualified candidate.

Lori Bufano

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