Letter: Grace Farms Has Negative Impact on Neighborhood Traffic, Light, Noise, Security

I’m writing to add my concerns to those already expressed by multiple neighbors of the Grace Farms Foundation property. My family resides at 412 Luke’s Wood Road, directly opposite what I understand to be ‘Parcel 2’ of said property. Like those neighbors, I too would very much appreciate receiving a candid, comprehensive and unadorned ‘master plan’ from the Grace leadership, both in order to fully understand the extent of their long-term intentions and to assess the inevitable direct impact these will have on the neighborhood, our property values and what will doubtless be an increasing disruption to our peaceful enjoyment of this once quiet, semi-rural neighborhood. To date, and encompassing only Grace’s current (while still, as I understand it, beyond the permitted scope) activities, we have experienced a substantial increase in traffic in the neighborhood—much of it aggressive and far in excess of the speed limit—there is and has been an ongoing issue with noise, including the obscenely irritating ‘sound sculpture,’ as well as the far-carrying voices of ‘security personnel,’ who appear to engage in incessant whistling, joke-telling, and longshoreman-style swearing—it may sound petty, but this is a quiet place, and sounds are greatly amplified, particularly at night. I can no longer open my windows in the evening, due to this incessant nonsensical chatter and noise.