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Letter: Waveny’s Oenoke Ridge Project ‘Would Do Significant Violence to the Zoning Regime’
To the Editor:
The “struggle” that the Planning & Zoning Commission apparently manifested at its last meeting concerning the size of Waveny’s proposed construction, as reported, is entirely justified and should result in denial of the applications. The plain fact is that Waveny’s proposed project, requiring no less than three separate applications, all of which need to be accepted, to approve the proposed construction would do significant violence to the zoning regime in New Canaan by destroying the look and feel of the Oenoke Ridge gateway to New Canaan.
That is true because, despite Waveny’s repeated and misleading efforts to downplay the utterly disproportionate size of this structure vis-à-vis the Oenoke Ridge neighborhood, one fact stubbornly resists camouflage: Waveny’s proposed structure would be the third largest building in town, behind the High School and the middle school, both of which structures are on much larger plots. By contrast, the gigantic edifice Waveny proposes for Oenoke Ridge would be shoehorned onto a sliver of land, dominating nearly all of the 1.6 acres on which it is projected to sit. Waveny’s “heart” may be in the right place concerning developing such a project, but the building it hopes to build is decidedly planned for the wrong place.
Waveny has attempted to leverage its historic reservoir of goodwill to impose this gargantuan, multiunit building, of breathtaking density, onto a sliver of land in an otherwise purely residential neighborhood for its own economic benefit, and it has done so by routinely and shamefully diminishing the motivation, extent and commitment of the opposition. Ours, and the opposition of the over 1500 New Canaan citizens who signed an opposition petition, is not opposition to the concept of senior housing; anyone suggesting otherwise is flatly wrong.