Letter: New Canaan’s Community Foundation and Tiny Miracles

As the mom of a very low birth weight baby, I understand the anguish and daily uncertainty that consumes a parent after giving birth to a premature child. 

Nothing prepares you for the shock of seeing your vulnerable newborn hooked up to tubes and monitors in a bustling neonatal intensive care unit. The long days of sitting vigil in intensive care accumulate into weeks and months, as the emotional and financial toll continue to mount simultaneously. Upon discharge, these tiniest of babies may require years of additional follow-up and medical treatment. The Tiny Miracles Foundation has not only been providing compassionate service to families of premature babies in our community since 2004 but has also established a Financial Assistance Program to help with rent, utilities and basic needs and supplies so that economically distressed families are able to welcome their child home into a safe environment. Since the pandemic began, the need for financial assistance has risen dramatically.