New Canaan EMS 50th Anniversary Spotlight: Elizabeth Guthke Buckner

[Editor’s Note: New Canaan EMS celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. To mark the milestone, the New Canaanite is publishing profiles of members each month in 2025. This is the second in the series, written by Wendy Fog, herself a longtime EMT with the organization.]

Elizabeth Guthke Buckner is a true New Canaan “original.”

She and her parents moved here in 1976 when she was about three years old. Lizzy attended East School, Saxe Middle School and graduated from New Canaan High School in 1992. As long as she can remember, Lizzy just knew she wanted to work in health care, she said.

New Canaan EMS 50th Anniversary Spotlight: Russ Kimes Sr.

[Editor’s Note: New Canaan EMS celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. To mark the milestone, the New Canaanite is publishing profiles of members each month in 2025. This is the first in the series, written by Wendy Fog, herself a longtime EMT with the organization.]
In 1975, Russell Kimes Sr., became a founding member, driving force and leader in the creation of the New Canaan Volunteer Ambulance Corps. In addition to his duties as a prominent local attorney, a Probate Court judge and a Town Council member, he rode the ambulance for 34 years. He is still actively involved in what is now called New Canaan Emergency Medical Services or ‘NCEMS.’