Did You Hear … ?

New Canaan Police received two vandalism complaints—damaged political signs on Weed Street, near Irwin Park—at 4:46 p.m. and 5:54 p.m. on Nov. 4. Both cases are closed. ***

The Board of Selectmen on Monday approved the appointment of Steve Doka to the Board of Finance. Longtime member Tom Schulte has stepped down for work-related reasons, the selectmen said.

New Canaan’s VFW Post To Celebrate Veterans Day Nov. 11

At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 2024, New Canaan’s VFW Post 653—officially known as Howard M. Bossa and Peter C. Langenus Post 653 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States—will lead the annual Veterans Day ceremony to honor and commemorate military veterans at the Wayside Cross on God’s Acre. Veterans Day is distinct from Memorial Day in May, which honors those who died while serving in the military. The date and time of the commemoration of Veterans Day links back to Armistice Day, the date

that marked the end of World War I. To honor those who served, New Canaan’s VFW Post 653 placed 400 flags on God’s Acre just above the Wayside Cross on Saturday, Nov. 2, with the assistance of the Young Americans for Freedom Club members Ethan Aronson and Andrew Moor along with their co-advisors Kristine Goldhawk, Hsuan-hui Wang and Tom Peter. In addition to the VFW, various town officials and the Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will participate in the ceremony.

Meet New Canaan EMS To Mark 50 Years [Q&A]

In this installment of our periodic series spotlighting local service organizations—see recent installments here and here—we turn to New Canaan Emergency Medical Services or ‘EMS.’
We put some questions to EMT Wendy Fog about the nonprofit organization, which is offering its training class in January (info here). Here’s our exchange. ***
New Canaanite: Please give our readers some background on New Canaan EMS formerly known as NCVAC. When was the organization founded? Under what circumstances?

Coffee’s on for Thursday

Join fellow residents and NewCanaanite.com editor Michael Dinan for the monthly Community Coffee, to be held 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 7 in the Jim & Dede Bartlett Auditorium at New Canaan Library. The Coffee is presented in partnership with the library, and the brew is supplied by Zumbach’s Gourmet Coffee (thank you, Doug). The free, public coffee is a group conversation about what’s happening around town, moderated by Dinan. Topics come from attendees and we spend no more than 10 minutes per subject.

Blossom Hill’s ‘Holiday Bazaar’ Set for Nov. 21 at Carriage Barn [Q&A]

New Canaan-based Blossom Hill Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to fund innovative ideas to help children affected by conflict in the Middle East, will hold its Holiday Bazaar 5:30 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21 at the Carriage Barn in Waveny (tickets here). In addition to holiday shopping offerings from 20-plus vendors, the fundraiser features live music, auction items and food and wine. We put some questions to Blossom Hill founder and Executive Director Shiva Sarram ahead of the event. Here’s our exchange.