is hosting its community coffee 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 18 in the Lamb Room at New Canaan Library.
Held the first and third Thursday mornings of each month, the coffee is presented in partnership with the library. It’s free and open to the public.
We serve locally brewed Zumbach’s Gourmet Coffee (thanks, Doug).
The coffee is a chance to gather informally as a community and talk about what’s happening in town. Attendees are urged to raise topics of interest or share announcements from local organizations.
In terms of our regular news coverage, topics of general interest that have made headlines in recent weeks include later school start times, appointments to town boards and commissions, Grace Farms, future of the former Outback Teen Center and Caffeine & Carburetors.
Anyone who wishes to be added to an Evite reminder list for the coffee, please email me saying so at