6 thoughts on “Election 2023: Giacomo Landi Announces Candidacy for Board of Education [Q&A]

  1. Excellent! Thrilled to see a high caliber and unaffiliated candidate, devoid of political constraint, run for BOE.

  2. Mr. Landi sounds as if he would be an excellent candidate, because in addition to his thoughtful responses in the q&a, he could be the right person to diffuse the unfortunate partisan character of the board that emerged after the last election

  3. According to the Connecticut Secretary of the State’s Registration and Party Enrollment Statistics Provided by Registrars of Voters that is filed annually, the most recent figures [November 2022] for New Canaan were:

    Republican = 5,843
    Unaffiliated = 5,764
    Democrat = 4,240

    After reading his background and learning about his qualifications, I feel strongly that our community would be fortunate to have Giocomo Landi seated on the Board of Education.

    In our day-to-day lives we engage in social activities, volunteer in various organizations, and participate in religious groups without regard to one’s political affiliation. Clearly Mr. Landi has the skill set to serve on just about any board or commission in town, but he sounds perfect for the BOE. Thank you for announcing your candidacy and for your willingness to serve our community.

  4. I am very impressed with Mr. Landi. His discussion of ideas and plans is one of the best and most inclusive I have read or heard. I love his thoughts on more athletic inclusion which would let so many more kids play sports. All his ideas seem to be geared to keeping our children engaged and busy, which is so important if they aren’t in Varsity or JV sports. Mr. Landi’s non-partisan approach is also refreshing and fair. Thank you for running Mr. Landi.

  5. Thank you all for so many kind words. Congrats to all NCPS spring graduates PreK 4, 4th Grade, 8th Grade and of course 12th. Good luck on your next adventures 🙂

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