5 thoughts on “Election 2023: Kimberly Norton Announces Candidacy for First Selectman [Q&A]

  1. So grateful to Kim Norton for stepping into the race for First Selectman! The office is ripe for change and a fresh perspective. I have been impressed with Kim’s work on the Town Council’s handling of the cell tower behind West School. Leading takes the courage to ask questions and understand the needs of the people.

  2. Kim Norton truly listens to New Canaan residents and speaks up for us. She is dedicated and will fight for what she believes is best for our town. Kim Norton is currently on Town Council and is up-to-date with current issues regarding New Canaan and will be able to fill the role of First Selectman seamlessly.

  3. I attended a few Town Council meetings when the West School cell tower was on the agenda. From those meetings, I saw firsthand how Kim Norton came prepared. She researched current trends in macrocell towers and asked smart questions to a consultant who did a 2014 cell coverage study for the town. Even when he evaded her questions, she was steadfast and got honest answers from him. She fought for an accurate summary of a West School cell tower meeting when residents emailed Town Council members that they felt the minutes did not represent what they witnessed. She does her homework and cares about what residents have to say. I’m excited to hear more from Norton as she runs for First Selectman.

  4. Kim Norton will work in a bipartisan way to protect New Canaan’s interests. She is qualified for the position on all levels, and we New Canaanites are lucky she is willing to serve. I am historically a Democrat, but will eagerly vote for her should she be the Republican candidate in the general election.

  5. I admire Kim Norton for doing this. Since her election in 2021 she has been a major contributor to the work of Town Council, and now wants to take her service for the town to another level. This interview highlights her different, and accomplished, educational and professional background – as Kim puts it: a lifetime helping others. She has much to offer. Her candidacy provides real choice, and that is what democracy is all about.

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