Grand List Up 23.6% 


The total value of taxable property in New Canaan—including homes, commercial properties and motor vehicles—increased by 23.6% year-over-year from 2022 to 2023, to $9.9 billion, according to preliminary figures.

The Grand List won’t be finalized until after the Board of Assessment Appeals process. The increase in funds for the town from taxable property will depend on the mill rate, which will be set through the budget process, now underway—see explainer here from Board of Finance Chair Todd Lavieri.

The Grand List’s total reflects upticks in the total value of taxable real estate and personal property and motor vehicles, according to figures provided by the assessor in response to a request for the information. (See page 7 here for details of last year’s balanced Grand List.)

The Grand List measures the total value of taxable property on Oct. 1 of each calendar year.

Here’s a table showing the gross top-10 taxpayer accounts in New Canaan for real estate—click on each address for more assessor information:

Top-10 Taxpayer Accounts—New Canaan Grand List, 2023

Real Estate  
1. Town Close Associates Ltd Partner106 Lakeview Ave.$33,160,120
2. New England 15-21 LLC15 and 21 Maple St.$28,824,740
3. Country Club of New Canaan95 Country Club Road$21,644,840
4. Canaan Parish Redevelopment Ltd Partners186 Lakeview Ave.$21,011,480
5. New Canaan Lumber Co.208 and 212 Elm St., 45 and 59 Grove St., vacant land on Grove, 75 Pine St.$18,109,910
6. M2 Partners LLC160 and 180 Park St.$14,090,580
7. Kenneth G. Tropin, trustee260 West Road$14,042,560
8. Philip J. Toohey, trusttee81 and 89 Canoe Hill Road, 568 Frogtown Road, 90 Parade Hill Lane, 575 Silvermine Road, 70 Thrush Lane$13,282,640
9. Reed Krakoff104 Dan's Highway$12,394,270
10. Hatfield Mews THO Corp330 Elm St.$12,275,410
Source: Office of the Assessor
*Figures are not official until the Grand List is balanced and signed

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