Town officials say they’ve managed to lock up what’s expected to be a coveted contract for next summer: fireworks commemorating the nation’s 250th birthday.
Next July 4 “is the 250th anniversary—not the bicentennial, but the bicentennial-and-a-half, I guess—of the founding of our country,” according to Tom Stadler.
“So from 1776 to 2026, 250 years,” Stadler, an emeritus member of the Parks & Recreation Commission’s Family Fireworks Committee, said during the group’s March 12 meeting, held at Lapham Center and via videoconference.
He continued: “So we thought ahead a little bit about 2026, and I know that [First Selectman] Dionna [Carlson] has set up a committee to arrange various events throughout the year to celebrate the country. And so we just reached out to the fireworks company—which is quite unusual this far in advance—but we did, and we were successful this week in lining up the fireworks for July the 4th, 2026, on Saturday night, which just couldn’t be better. And everybody in the world is going to want fireworks that night.”
Committee Chair David Shea said, “It’s going to be very competitive for those, so kudos.”
New Canaan’s “Family Fourth” (which could soon be renamed—see below) was launched in 1979 when the chair of Parks & Rec at the time, Joe Toppin, brought the idea to then-First Selectman Charlie Morton about creating a regular event out of a Bicentennial celebration at Waveny a few years earlier, complete with a picnic, fireworks and skydivers.
Since Toppin, only former Recreation Director Steve Benko, former First Selectman Rob Mallozzi and Stadler have served as chair of the Family Fourth Committee. The town has used the same family-owned company—Douglassville, Pa.-based International Fireworks—for 42 years. (The Board of Selectmen recently re-designated the organizing group as a subcommittee within Parks & Rec.)
“They’ve been very good to us,” Stadler said of the fireworks provider. “We got it in writing, so we’re good. It’s great news.”
This year’s fireworks and picnic is scheduled for Friday, July 4 with a rain date of July 5 and a backup rain date of July 12.
Stadler said that he and Pat Wood have been working on food trucks for the event for the past couple of months, and have 13 committed for Waveny, including Melt Mobile, Reddi Rooster and trucks providing tacos, lobster, steak, Greek food, pizza and three desserts, a bakery, Cinnabon and Waffle Cabin.
The New Canaan Town Band and Mind The Gap will provide live music, and the committee is thinking about merchandising for the Family Fourth by selling T-shirts and hats either before or during the event. The committee also is working on an official logo for the Waveny picnic and fireworks, and possibly a new name such as “New Canaan Fireworks” or something similar (since the event doesn’t necessarily always fall on July 4th). Committee members also are looking into whether the $35 family passes for the event—sold at Walter Stewart’s Market and Town Hall, among other places—may be purchased remotely with a credit card.
Nice work Tom Stadler and the rest of the committee! I remember the Bicentennial well so it’s hard to believe this milestone is already here.
Just for fun I looked up the word to be used for our nation’s 250th. Apparently it’s the “Semiquincentennial,” also “Sestercentennial,” “Quarter Millenial,” or just the “Big Two-Five-Oh”—this from the website—Philadelphia is going to do it up big!
It will be interesting to see which term emerges as the winner!
My family moved to New Canaan over 27 years ago and this annual celebration has always been known as the “Family Fourth”. I was very close to the Toppin family and Joe recalled fondly how this celebration began in Kiwanis Park but was moved into Waveny Park because Waveny could better accommodate the rapid growth of attendees.
With the migration into Waveny Park residents and visitors can now enjoy a variety of eating options from food trucks; music from the New Canaan Town Band and others, bring a family picnic, or just relax and enjoy the fireworks display with neighbors and friends.
It is more than fireworks regardless if this annual celebration is delayed due inclement weather or because July 4 does not fall on a Saturday or Sunday. Should it be changed to “New Canaan Fireworks”? How about “Waveny Picnic, Fireworks, Food, and Music”?
Looking over past dates of the annual New Canaan Chamber of Commerce’s “Halloween Block Party” or “Halloween Parade”, I noticed that frequently this celebration was not held on October 31. I hope we don’t change the name of the Halloween event to the “Costume and Candy Block Party” because it does not fall on October 31.
Please keep the name as the Family Fourth as it has been called for decades.
Agreed with Betty. Please don’t change the name. New Canaan Fireworks could be held at any time of the year. We are celebrating our independence and the founding of our country- the Fourth of July, whether it’s on the fourth or not. As to the date, it used to always be on the 4th (excepting rainouts) but somewhere over the past few years it stopped being on the fourth (covid? Cost?). It was special that we always had it on the actual date, not a Saturday night or Sunday close to that date as other (inferior) towns do it! Be bigger than that!