Letter in Support of Glass House: ‘Every One of These Visitors Enriches New Canaan’

To the editor:

Recently the Glass House went to Planning & Zoning to request a modification to its operating permit. As a resident of New Canaan, I strongly support the modification.

New Canaan is a town with a rich cultural legacy—and among its richest is its mid-century modern heritage and association with the Harvard Five, one of whom was Philip Johnson. The Glass House draws visitors to New Canaan from all over the world. They range from architects, students, and residents entertaining out-of-town guests to those fulfilling a dream on their bucket list.

But every one of these visitors enriches New Canaan. They frequent our businesses: they eat in our restaurants; they act as goodwill ambassadors; they encourage others to make Glass House visits. In short, they introduce New Canaan to those who might otherwise never visit our town.

The Glass House, in addition to being a cultural icon, is also a good citizen of New Canaan. The site hosts “New Canaan Days” which provides New Canaan residents with free tours several days each season. Its programming is becoming more and more diverse with offerings specifically geared toward joint events with other local organizations including the library and, more recently, Grace Farms.

In addition, educational programs for local public and independent schools serve students from 6th to 8th grades with “Club Glass House”—an innovative initiative that focuses on art and architecture, while photography programs for high school students have always been popular and are prominently featured at the Glass House Visitors Center.

The permanent art collection at the Glass House is world-renowned, and in recent years the site has been host to a series of contemporary art exhibits and events that have garnered wide critical and popular acclaim.

The existing operating permit, however, prevents the Glass House site from realizing its full potential.

I would heartily endorse expanding the operating permit. Let New Canaan and the Glass House work together to be welcoming hosts to our out-of-town visitors and good neighbors toward one another.


Laura Case
135 Comstock Hill Road

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