Dear Editor:
As the veteran banners on Elm Street come down on Friday, November 22nd and my Eagle Scout project wraps up, I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of the people who made this project possible.

Jack Goetz of New Canaan, with one of the New Canaan veteran banners. Contributed
Thank you, Mr. Peter Langenus, Commander of VFW Post 653, for sponsoring this project and for working with me every step of the way. Thank you, First Selectman Kevin Moynihan, and his team, including Mr. Tom Stadler, for setting the wheels in motion for this project last year.
Thank you, Mrs. Megan Hammer of Hammer Graphic Design, for donating your time and talent to design the banners. Thanks to Mr. Jeff Platt and the Exchange Club of New Canaan for your generosity in underwriting part of the project. Thank you, Mrs. Tucker Murphy, Executive Director of the New Canaan Chamber of Commerce, for your guidance and coordination.
Thank you, Mr. Tiger Mann, Mr. Mose Saccary, and everyone at the Department of Public Works who helped plan and hang the banner hardware.
Most of all, I’d like to thank all of the New Canaan veterans for their service.
Jack Goetz
And thank you, Jack Goetz, for this great example of patriotism, respect and the highest standards of the Scout movement. I wish you would leave them up for a while longer, so we can all take time to pay our respects to these men and women who have helped to preserve the freedoms we enjoy. Congratulations!
Thank you Jack
It was wonderful to see our Veterans honored in such a special way.
Well done Jack.
Jack Goetz, your future is bright! You are an inspiration to all of us! Thank you for honoring our veterans in such a visible way.
Jack…it was a delight to work with you on this project and I learned so much about the men and women who have served our country. I know this project was very complicated to make happen on many levels but you did it like a pro!
Thank you!!!
Jack thank you thank you…what a wonderful way to honor our men and women. My question to you is what will happen to the banners – is there a chance family members may have them?
Thank you!
Thank you for this wonderful project Jack. We really enjoyed the banners and this opportunity to learn about each of these exceptional men and women from town who served our country. It was such a wonderful way to honor them and to show our respect and gratitude. I wish we could put them up every year!!
Thanks for everyone’s comments. The banners had to come down to make room for the holiday garland, but hopefully the banners – either old ones or new ones or both – will go back up around Veteran’s Day for years to come.
I can’t say enough about this wonderful project and how great it was to walk down Elm Street and see the banners with the names of New Canaanites both past and present, including those of my Dad and my brother. I also have to tell you of the many compliments I overheard from customers in our store and how people were touched by the efforts of your dedication and research. On behalf of the Franco Family I’d like to say Thank You.
Carl Franco
Francos Wine Merchants