Letters to the Editor


NewCanaanite.com recently received the following letter(s) to the editor. Email editor@newcanaanite.com to have a letter published here.


I am writing to strongly object to St Luke’s proposal to build a 200 car garage. It appears to me that they have increased their enrollment to the point that they are exceeding their allowable traffic load. So first they build a garage to lower the traffic load. Then they marry the house lots that they have purchased in order to increase their acreage, followed by increased building and enrollment. If I am reading the documents correctly, the town has been asked to allow them to build this garage without it counting toward their building coverage. Why would the town allow that in a residential zone?

Jane Caldwell


Dear Editor,

Peter Cottontail has hopped down his bunny trail with the help of the Young Women’s League. This year marked the 50th Anniversary of the Easter Egg Hunt, a treasured tradition in New Canaan.  With Easter arriving early this year the weather was not eager to cooperate with our outdoor plans, so due to the heavy rain storms the event was held indoors at Saxe Middle School.  As much as we would have loved to be at Waveny Park, the spirit of the event was not dampened by the rain.  I am proud to announce that the 50th Easter Egg Hunt event was a success and we were able to raise money for our annual giving fund.  We would like to thank and recognize our generous sponsors for supporting this event: Camp Playland, Walter Stewart’s, Element Medical Aesthetics, New Canaan Pediatric Dentistry, Christina Saburro Photography, Dunkin Donuts, Cain Management, The Playhouse, and the Toy Chest of New Canaan.  Additionally, this event would not be possible without the assistance and problem solving talents of the custodial and security staff at Saxe Middle School.  From planning the logistics weeks before to the clean up of over 10,000 candy wrappers, this incredible group made us feel welcomed, safe and supported.  They went above and beyond meeting our needs and at the event itself, they were always there when we encountered any issues or just forgot tape. Above all else, they did this all with kindness and grace.  New Canaan is so fortunate for this particular group of staff at Saxe Middle School.  We are very grateful that our schools and community run so efficiently because of the people who are behind the scenes making our facilities so incredibly organized and safe.  Thank you to this amazing group:

  • Wayne Lewis
  • Robyn Haschak
  • Ted Milone
  • Tim McCrae
  • Martin Rrapi
  • Edward Erazmus

Kindest regards,

Lauren Tarzia

Chair, 50th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

YWL of New Canaan

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