8 thoughts on “Letters of Endorsement

  1. Thank you, Eliot, for your candid and honest articulation of the very real fear many parents here have about the direction in which our schools are and potentially could be heading–where critical thinking and analysis are subjugated to so-called “comfort” and facts are irrelevant. We have phenomenal teachers, administrators and students–let them do their best work! Vote for Brendan, Lauren & Josh for BOE.

  2. “very real fear many parents here have about the direction in which our schools are heading” Fear of what being the #1 ranked school in the State? Those poor fearful souls…


    For the record our BOE has never been in its history under Democrat control. Not once. Virtually everyone who moves to NC says the public schools are one of the top reasons they came.

    Continued Republican majorities on the Board of Ed is the only way to sustain continued excellence in our public school, as we’ve been doing for decades.

    • The current Republicans on the BOE basically had a coup within their own party precisely because they wanted to change the course of our schools. Thankfully they haven’t done too much damage in 2 years (we will see how having Columbus Day off impacts AP students, among other things — what a thing to spend three whole meetings debating) but yes theres a real fear that the new radical R candidates will do serious damage.

      It’s never been about party before. Now it is, with the current Rs putting party above all else. And that’s unfortunate.

      • This coming from someone who declared themselves an *activist* during a Town Council meeting. Of course that activism has centered on political issues, so how much does party politics mean to you as an *activist* and passionate advocate for liberal policies?

        In each of their podcasts the Republican candidates have advanced the idea of keeping politics out of the classroom and focusing on reading, writing, and arithmetic. How is that putting party above all else? It’s the exact opposite. If anyone naively thinks NCPS immune to politics entering the classroom Matt Campbell gave some examples in his NCite podcast that have impacted his daughter’s experience at NCPS.

  3. Perhaps your fears are misplaced or exaggerated versus reality. Others will understandably have concerns that we have a generation of many kids (and adults) who think their racial, ethnic, and other forms of identity have greater significance than individual merit. Or concern that a focus in education on the fundamentals of reading, writing, and arithmetic is seen as a byproduct of politics rather than generations of lived experience. Or concern that many kids think their feelings are more important than actions, and that is being increasingly reinforced in schools.

  4. Mr Goldenberg’s comments regarding “ to teaching facts not fiction, and an end to inflammatory language and bigotry designed to scare and divide us and our community” are so farcical and the definition of gaslighting.
    Last election multiple candidates openly endorsed critical race theory and DEI initiatives, advocating for race based quotas and teaching our children such erroneous concepts like systemic racism and the 1619 project. All of those concepts are not only retrograde but divisive and their negative impact at schools and upon children has been conclusively show. Furthermore, those concepts are all fiction, not fact based in any instance.

    Indees, one current candidate for Row A signed a petition to incorporate such divisive and mal-educational concepts to our children just 2 years ago.

    I’m shocked at the audacity to make such comments when the exact opposite is what actually occurred

    Look no further than Thomas Jefferson High School in VA to see the deleterious impact of such concepts. Wolf in sheep’s clothing indeed.

  5. The “removal of DEI objectives” as stated by Mr. Goldenberg is misleading. The current goal, passed unanimously across party lines by the current BOE, reads: “Continuously strengthen all schools and classroom communities to ensure every student feels a sense of belonging, safety, connection, and engagement in inclusive, respectful, equitable and supportive learning environments.” For someone to suggest this is a product of extremism begs the question of who really is the extremist here. I would also encourage everyone to watch the July 18, 2022 BOE meeting where DEI goals were first discussed. It was the epitome of bipartisan discussion, extremely collegial and thoughtful and highlighted what is possible before the involvement of various political action groups in town. At that meeting, DEMOCRAT Erica Schwedel stated, “I do think the words really matter here and as we talk about this and as we re-craft the language that we want to use, I think we as a Board need to get away from using the term ‘DEI’ for that reason and decide what we call this objective. Is it valuing differences? Is it inclusiveness? But make sure the words that we use, not just in this document, but then externally also reflect the work we actually want to do.” Mrs. Schwedel ultimately amended her position a few months later to say she would favor DEI using her own specific definitions. Is Mrs. Schwedel peddling, to paraphrase Mr. Goldenberg, “mistruths and scare mongering” based on her first comment? Absolutely not. BOE Secretary Mrs. Schwedel, again a Democrat, and Republican Vice Chairman Phil Hogan have formed an incredible, sensible leadership core for what is a fantastic BOE.

    Our board is tasked with helping the administration to clearly identify issues and find effective, thoughtful solutions and they have done just that. I too have a child in 7th grade at Saxe and I have been extremely happy with his teachers and administration. They, with help from our amazing BOE, have navigated real educational issues, such as hiring 44 new educators and making up for COVID learning loss, while returning NCHS to the #1 ranked high school in Connecticut last month (congratulations all). If a parent wants to pull their child out of school 12 months after new BOE members are seated because they voted unanimously across party lines for a curriculum goal that reads “inclusive, respectful, equitable” instead of “diversity, equity and inclusion” that is their choice. However, to say this is a “platform of mistruths and scare mongering” is abjectly false, and relies on the reader to not have done any of their own homework. When it comes to our schools, let’s stick to the facts.