Letters of Endorsement


NewCanaanite.com recently received the following letter(s) of endorsement. We will publish endorsement letters from New Canaan residents through Oct. 24. Please send them to editor@newcanaanite.com. 


Editor, New Canaanite.com:

The upcoming Town Election is of very great importance, more than ever. It is the first time, perhaps, that we are replacing the full Board of Selectmen and also that we have three candidates running for three positions. This means, that unless someone petitions to get on the ballot, these three candidates will get elected to the Board. What matters most is the leadership of the Board or the First Selectman. This is why I feel that Amy Murphy Carroll is the best choice for First Selectman because of her strong financial background and strong leadership skills.  Her 30+ year career on Wall Street specializing in Municipal Finance is very important to our Town of New Canaan as that understanding greatly matters to our strong financial needs. Amy  is currently on the Board of Finance, and has had liaisons with and served on many committees dealing with Debt Guidelines, Retirement Plans Advisory, Police Building,  and quite a few others for the betterment of New Canaan.

Amy is a graduate of Cornell University and earned her MBA from the Wharton School. She has four children in our school system and is very well aware of the strong needs of our schools and is also a ten year veteran of town government. I therefore support Amy Murphy Carroll for the position of First Selectman. In order to win that well-earned position she will need to get the majority votes for that seat so please join me in voting for Amy Murphy Carroll.

Bernard Simpkin

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