Letters to the Editor


NewCanaanite.com recently received the following letter(s). Email editor@newcanaanite.com to publish your letter here. 


In the 20+ years that my family has lived in this town, I lost my wallet twice before. One time I dropped it in the parking lot of the YMCA while getting my little daughter in the car. Someone took it to the front desk with everything intact. 

Years later, in a sleep-deprived delirium, I placed my wallet on top of the car as I was loading in the baby and groceries, and drove off. Two men from C&H auto body happened to be driving in a truck behind me and spotted the wallet. They followed me until we stopped at a red light, and then one of them ran out to alert me before the wallet flew off the roof. I was so grateful. 

So last Wednesday my cell phone went missing. I rarely carry a wallet anymore, and usually keep my essential cards in my phone case. I realized I didn’t have the phone on a walk at Irwin park. I couldn’t remember if I left it at the house or in the car, just had no idea where it was. By the way, my kids are grown now, so I fully had to own this one. 

My phone was nowhere to be found. Its location wasn’t on. My heart sank as I considered all the things that would have to be replaced. I called the New Canaan Police Department as a last ditch effort. Someone had just brought in a phone they found at Irwin, and the police officer was looking for a way to contact me.

Besides feeling I had “my life” returned to me, hugely relieved and truly elated, I felt profoundly thankful. Time and time again good people around me simply did the right thing. They did it out of kindness and consideration to another person living next to them, perhaps out of civic friendship. And so I decided to write this letter, my thank you note, for as long we remain kind to each other, there is hope for our world. 


Julia Schukina

4 thoughts on “Letters to the Editor

  1. Julia….
    Great letter. What a great start to my day! Thank You for sharing! I love your term “civic friendship”. A wonderful concept to embrace .
    Cheers and Happy Holidays!

  2. You, Julia, are thoughtful to relate your mishaps, self-imposed, and to enlighten us all about our community. Thank you.

  3. Julia
    Thank you for reminding us about what it means to live in this wonderful area.

    I once took out a boatload of cash from the bank. It was in the $3000 range. I had the money on my lap at Scott’s Corners grocery store and the money dropped on the ground in parking lot as I stood up. After shopping I got back to my car and realized my money was gone.
    I walked back into the store and asked if anyone had found the pile of cash I dropped.
    YES much to my relief an honest kind soul had gathered my scattered cash in the parking lot and brought it into the store. When I see the person who returned my money around town I always smile with gratitude many years later.

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