Letters to the Editor


NewCanaanite.com recently received the following letters to the editor. Send letters to editor@newcanaanite.com to have them published here.


Dear Editor,

I am honored to serve as the Emcee for the 8th Annual New Canaan Community Awareness Vigil on Thursday, August 29th, at 7 p.m. This event is more than a vigil; it’s a powerful gathering to honor those lost, celebrate recovery, and challenge the stigma surrounding substance use disorder.

The opioid epidemic continues to impact our community. While there has been progress, with a 5% reduction in overdose deaths and expanded access to Narcan, a life-saving treatment everyone should have in their home or workplace, the crisis remains urgent. Last year, Connecticut tragically lost over 1,300 lives to drug overdoses. Nationally, more people died from drug overdoses last year than from colon and breast cancer combined, underscoring the urgent need to continue our work.

It’s time to break the silence surrounding substance use disorder. Shame and stigma prevent countless individuals from seeking the help they need. Currently, only 10% of those who could benefit from substance use treatment receive it. We must change this.

By attending the New Canaan Vigil, we demonstrate our commitment to supporting those struggling with addiction and celebrating those in recovery. Join us on August 29th to show that hope, healing, and recovery are possible for everyone.


John Hamilton

President and CEO, Liberation Programs


To the editor:

On August 29th at 7 pm, the eighth annual Community Addiction Awareness Vigil will be held in downtown New Canaan. Nearly half of all Americans have a family member or close friend who has struggled with drug or alcohol addiction, and this vigil has become a foundational event in our town for promoting open dialogue and building a culture of empathy and acceptance for those who are affected. Silver Hill Hospital is proud to support and participate in the Vigil each year. I hope you will join me and my fellow staff from the Hospital on the 29th

Andrew J. Gerber, MD, PhD

President and Medical Director, Silver Hill Hospital


Dear Editor,

I am looking forward to the 8th Annual Community Addiction Awareness Vigil on the evening of Thursday August 29th, and I hope to once again see a wide cross-section of our community in attendance.  This event celebrates recovery and spreads awareness about the reach of addiction, but I find that it touches so much more – mental health, wellness, family, community, belonging.  Each year, the love and connection at the event is palpable, and it’s something that I hope each person in our town can experience at least once.

New Canaan Community Foundation has been a proud co-sponsor of the vigil since its first year in 2017.  Coordinated by the New Canaan Parent Support Group, a team of dedicated volunteers plan for months to ensure each vigil highlights important stories, offers resources, and serves as a special setting to both remember people lost too soon as well as inspire hope for others on their journey.

It is not to be missed. This year’s theme, Family Empowers Recovery, should resonate with many and, as always, the event is family friendly.  I hope to see you there on August 29th


Lauren Patterson

President & CEO

New Canaan Community Foundation

3 thoughts on “Letters to the Editor

  1. Can you remind everyone exactly which corner of downtown New Canaan? I certainly have a family member living with addiction and would be pleased to attend.

  2. Tonight, Monday, August 26, 2024, starting at 7pm – 9pm Town Council has scheduled a Special meeting for the POCD [Plan of Conservation and Development] discussion and possibly propose recommendations. Public comments will be part of the meeting.

    The POCD Sub-Committee has voted to make a substantially complete draft of the POCD available for review on the Town’s website:

    Those wishing to participate in tonight’s TC meeting may attend in person at Town Hall or connect to Zoom:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84210046647?pwd=WU1PTkFGZnIrQkRNVW9LZUVISUhFd z09

    Meeting ID: 842 1004 6647
    Passcode: 532384

    TV VIEWING: This meeting will be available for viewing on NCTV – Channel 79.

    In-Person Public Comments – Members of the public are welcome to speak to the Town Council. Speakers are requested to provide their name, street address, and comments will be limited to two to three minutes, subject to the total number of speakers.

    E-mail Public Comments: Include your full legal name, street address, and telephone number with your comments. Comments can be sent to Town Council members: TCDistribution@newcanaanct.gov and to New Canaan Town Planner: sarah.carey@newcanaanct.gov

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