Meet ‘CERT,’ the New Canaan Community Emergency Response Team


This month, is publishing Q&As with local service organizations—volunteer groups that give back to the community while offering connection, camaraderie and fun.

Today we feature the New Canaan Community Emergency Response Team, or ‘CERT.’

Here’s our exchange with the nonprofit organization’s public relations officer, Kevin McIntosh.


New Canaanite: Please give us some background on the Community Emergency Response Team or CERT. How and when did the organization start?

Kevin McIntosh: The Community  Emergency Response Team or “CERT” concept was developed and implemented by the City of Los Angeles Fire Department in 1985. The department recognized that citizens would very likely be on their own during the early stages of a catastrophic disaster and that, with some basic training in disaster survival and rescue skills they would be better able to survive and help others until first responders could arrive.

CERT, now a national organization under the auspices of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire suppression, first aid, search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are overtaxed and may not be immediately available.

Describe the CERT membership. How many members are there and what are the guidelines for membership? How does a resident become a member? What do you think attracts people to join and participate in CERT?

CERT members are all volunteers. The New Canaan CERT was organized in 2003. Currently there are 170 members of NC CERT , each of whom has received over 20 hours of training and completed a national certification course. To become a member of NC CERT one has to partake in the Training Classes that are offered in the Spring. Upon completion of the class and additional supplemental training in CPR, traffic control, emergency sheltering, animal rescue and pet sheltering the individual inducted into NC CERT.

What would you say to a new resident of New Canaan who is interested in learning more about CERT?

Volunteers join CERT in order to: Make a difference in our community’s emergency response, learn essential skills such as CPR and first aid. They will build lifetime friendships and boost their confidence to be ready when disaster strikes our community.

How often does CERT meet and what are the responsibilities and activities of membership? 

CERT membership meets annually ( or at a call-out ). The NC CERT Board  of Directors meet each month to review and plan for events and critique past events in addition to administrative duties. NC CERT maintains an office in the Irwin Park building.

What else, if anything, would you like to tell our readers about the CERT?

To learn more about NC CERT and how to join go to the CERT website:

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