As a feasibility study continues for a widely anticipated rebuilding project at New Canaan Library, the staff at the community facility has been working to maximize its space and bolster services for users.

New Canaan Library. Credit: Michael Dinan
In the past month alone, we’ve seen them give the library’s teen area a refresh and got the lowdown on plans to create a pocket park at the Maple Street-South Avenue corner lot with wireless connectivity. We also saw the new MakerLab and 3D printing spotlighted during Teen Tech Week and got a glimpse of some future presentations at the library, such as the 6:30 p.m. program for Tuesday, featuring New Canaan’s George Baker re-enacting John Adams in “My Wife Abigail Adams, the First Modern American Woman.”
What follows is a message about library plans from Library Director Lisa Oldham.
“For the last few months, the New Canaan Library has been rapidly reconfiguring its spaces, collections and resources and improving services to update its offerings. We particularly want to respond to the growing demand for even more services. While we continue to offer our existing services, we will soon add: a dedicated “reading concierge”; expanded digital services; increased spaces and programs for our adolescent community; new outreach and partnership programs with other community organizations, and more. The new MakerLab and 3D printing initiative is a great example.
“To allow us to align our staffing model to our service delivery model, we will, after much thought and careful analysis, be undertaking a library-wide reorganization of our personnel and their roles. The Library will recruit internally for all roles, broadening the search only when we are unable to fill a position with an existing employee.
“Our top priorities are improvements to service delivery, enhanced community focus, and better utilization of our already restrictive space. Questions or comments are welcome; they should be directed to Lisa Oldham, Executive Director, at (203) 594-5005,”