Town officials last week approved a contract with a Plainville-based company to install guiderails at three sites on the west side of New Canaan.

The curve near 100 Greenley Road in New Canaan. Credit: Michael Dinan
The $48,350 contract with Plainville-based Eagle Fence & Guardrail will see two steel guiderails installed on Greenley Road and one on West Road, following a 3-0 vote by the Board of Selectmen.
Though two bids came back on the town’s RFP, Eagle uses “anchorages that we feel are much more crash-worthy and a better installation,” Department of Public Works Assistant Director Tiger Mann said at the June 14 meeting, held at Town Hall.

Greenley Road at Chichester Road. Credit: Michael Dinan
A cable guardrail at the corner of Greenley and Chichester Roads “has been damaged and knocked down,” Mann said, while a new steel rail will go in on West Road near the bridge north of Turtleback Road and “at the curve” nearly 100 Greenley Road.
“As you come into Greenley Road, you come over the bridge and then there is a right-hand turn, there is a steep embankment off to the left there, we are looking at installing Merritt Parkway rail there,” Mann said.