Public Schools ‘Surprised’ by Audit Committee’s Decision To Suspend Activities


[What follows is the New Canaan Public Schools’ response to the Audit Committee’s decision this week to suspend its activities pending several changes.]

“The Board of Education was surprised to learn that the Audit Committee members have decided to cease their efforts as a committee at this time.

“Since the Audit Committee was formed in 2014, the Board of Education has focused on establishing open and forthright communications with all members. In full committee meetings, meetings with individual committee members, email communications, and through phone discussions, we have shared our practices, answered questions, and received and responded to feedback and suggestions. As a result of these suggestions, we have made changes to our practices and/or procedures. Some of these changes could and did occur quickly, while others take more time. In all of our workings with the committee, and in the spirit of collaboration, the Board of Education endeavored to both teach and learn; to help the members of the Audit Committee better understand the municipal accounting practices of the New Canaan Board of Education and the responsibilities of the Board as an agent of the state, and to learn from each committee member’s extensive private sector experience in finance and accounting.

“The Board of Education has a great deal of respect for the members of the audit committee, and is appreciative of their volunteer efforts and their drive to make a meaningful contribution to New Canaan. Regardless of the future of the Audit Committee, the Board of Education remains unwaveringly committed to continuously reviewing and improving its practices, financial and otherwise. In these efforts, we will continue to work collaboratively with the town departments and personnel in our service to the students, families, and community of New Canaan.”

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