Selectmen Approve Contract To Install New Guiderail on Heritage Hill Road


Heritage Hill Road, just west of the intersection at Forest/Parade Hill. Credit: Michael Dinan

After at least three incidents in the past two years where cars have crossed into the oncoming traffic lane and slid onto private property, the Board of Selectmen at its most recent meeting approved funds for a new guiderail installation on Heritage Hill Road.

Motorists traveling north on Heritage Hill navigate a sharp curve to the right as they descend toward Forest Street and Parade Hill Road, Public Works Director Tiger Mann told the selectmen at their Aug. 9 meeting.

“People are not navigating the curve and then sliding across into the front lawn of the house that’s there,” Mann said during the meeting, held at Town Hall and via videoconference. 

The problem had been brought to the town’s attention by neighborhood residents, and public works and police officials met with them, Mann said. Police then found “that there were at least three accidents” and “probably many more that weren’t reported, because these were ones that had damage, and people would slide into the front lawn and then back out.”

First Selectman Kevin Moynihan and Selectmen Kathleen Corbet and Nick Williams voted 3-0 in favor of a $31,216 contract with Atlas Companies, LLC to install the guiderail. 

The selectmen asked whether the incidents have occured in the winter (yes though not exclusively), whether funds are in the fiscal year 2023 budget (yes) and whether there’s a sidewalk in front of the Heritage Hill Road property where the cars are sliding off the roadway (no). 

During the same vote, the selectmen approved a $78,609 contract with Atlas to replace guiderails on Lapham Road south of the Merritt Parkway overpass. Those north of the overpass had been completed last year, Mann said.

5 thoughts on “Selectmen Approve Contract To Install New Guiderail on Heritage Hill Road

  1. The other issue is the speed of the cars along Heritage Hill Rd. This neighborhood is very dense with lots of children, dog walkers and elderly residents of the condominium complexes in this neighborhood. It would be additional important to slow the cars down- maybe speed bumps as are seen in neighboring towns.

  2. I agree, installing a guardrail will not correct the problem which is cars taking the curve too fast. It will just result in them bouncing off the rail. Several speed bumps at least in that section off the roadway may be more effective.

  3. What a waste of money. Can’t you think of a better why to spend our money.
    I know, if your going to build a wall, why not make it a stone wall.

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