Alan Sneath
NCHS Theatre Innovates Amid Pandemic; Fall Screenings of New Shows To Open Thursday
New Canaan High School senior Ava Sabloff has been involved in the NCHS Theatre program since freshman year.
Prior to the onset of COVID-19 virus, she’d never combined live theater with film, where blocking and line delivery are altered while cameras recording the performance change position, and actors pause between scenes to adjust lighting and audio.
“When performing for an audience an actor constantly receives live feedback that hopefully ends in applause,” the aspiring film major said. “After filming an actor has no idea of the quality of the performance until it has been edited and broadcast. Live theatre is a moment in time, where a filmed performance lives on. The skills I have developed has made me more prepared as I enter college.”
Those newly learned skills have culminated for Sabloff, along with dozens of cast and crew members in the celebrated program, in two online performances this fall.