New Canaan Police To Outfit Vehicle for K9 Unit

As the New Canaan Police Department works toward getting K9 dog Apollo back in service, town officials this week approved an approximately $10,000 contract with a Danbury-based company to ready a NCPD vehicle. The Board of Selectmen voted 3-0 at its regular meeting Tuesday to approve the contract with Specialty Warning Systems to install K9 equipment in a Ford Interceptor. The existing K9 vehicle is “an old Crown Victoria with well over 100,000 miles on it and the components it has now are basically failing and it’s antiquated and they don’t make the parts for it any more,” Police Capt. Andrew Walsh told the selectmen at the meeting, held at Town Hall. “So we need to replace the parts anyway, so we’re going to use a vehicle that will last longer,” Walsh said. “It’s got about 45,000 miles on it so it will last four or five years.

Letters of Appreciation for New Canaan Police

The following letters of appreciation were shared at the Jan. 19 Police Commission meeting by Chief Leon Krolikowski. ***


I happened to attend today’s ‘Coffee with a Cop’ at Lapham this afternoon. I was very impressed by the two officers’ presentation, they showed the utmost professionalism and that reflects on the excellent training and leadership they receive under your command. The presentation was very informative and will contribute to our community’s safety.

Selectmen Approve New Security Cameras at NCPD

Town officials on Tuesday approved a $9,205 contract with a Norwalk-based company to replace security cameras at the New Canaan Police Department. The Board of Selectmen voted 2-0 in favor of the contract with Security Solutions. The funds are to be paid of out this year’s approved capital budget, according to Police Capt. Andrew Walsh. The department’s current video surveillance system is “over a decade old with grainy footage,” Walsh said during the selectmen’s regular meeting, held at Town Hall. “We have a few blind spots around the building,” he said.