Around Town
Residents Call for Safety Measures at Complicated Locust Avenue-Route 123 Intersection
Saying ill-timed traffic signals at Locust Avenue and Route 123 are prompting motorists to speed and run red lights, residents of the area are calling for town officials to boost police enforcement and ensure pedestrian safety. An increased number of families with young kids live in the area—there are five bus stops on Locust alone between Cherry and 123—and cars at peak times back up as far as Cherry Street itself, according to third-generation New Canaanite Lauren Cerretani, of Locust Avenue. “There are more people running red lights and I can stand on the corner and see the close calls,” Cerretani on Thursday told the Traffic Calming Work Group. The administrative team includes members of the police, fire and public works departments, as well as CERT, and fields requests for traffic calming. “It is just very dangerous there,” Cerretani said.