Letter: Vote for Republican Candidates on Election Day

Dear Editor:

The purpose of this letter is to encourage your readers to vote for the Republican slate of candidates on November 7. We are very fortunate to have a talented group of candidates. Kevin Moynihan has a wealth of experience on the local scene as well as state and national levels. He will make an excellent first selectman. Andrew Brooks has transformed the office of treasurer to one of significance, relevancy and responsibility.

Letter: ‘Kit for First’—Unmatched Leadership, Integrity and Judgment


I am writing in support of Kit Devereaux’s candidacy for first selectman. I have known Kit well for 25 of the 37 years I have lived in New Canaan, often consulting about numerous town issues while serving in different areas of government and local groups. Kit is passionately dedicated to public service and has worked tirelessly for years to improve the town she loves; her service in leadership roles in countless New Canaan government and other organizations is unmatched. With her special, personal blend of collaboration and inclusivity, she consistently strives to pull together often divergent approaches to complex issues. Reaching out to all constituencies, and actually inviting the contribution of differing views, to which she listens carefully, she then synthesizes information and builds consensus, to arrive at both pragmatic and creative resolutions and develop lasting policy.

Op-Ed: CPA as Town Treasurer Can Make a Difference

I am a CPA running for town treasurer in the November election. We came to New Canaan in 1988 and own no other home. This is our town and I want to use my experience to give back. The office of town treasurer is where I can have to most impact. Why?

Letter: Vote for Kit Devereaux for First Selectman


Kit Devereaux has served in more capacities in New Canaan government and not-for-profits than there is space to list. Her tenure on Town Council, Board of Finance and the Charter Review Commission, and her financial services background, provide the necessary experience and skills to manage town government, improve accountability and save taxpayers’ money. Kit’s track record, including serving on the Parks & Recreation Commission, as president of the League of Women Voters and her many roles at St. Mark‘s Church, provides hard evidence that Kit is collaborative, a good listener, transparent and an effective problem solver. New Canaan needs such qualities to solve challenges like declining state funding for schools and other services, poor cell phone service, inadequate parking, and sloppy oversight of town projects.

Letter: Penny Young Addresses New Canaan’s Needs ‘In a Fiscally Conservative Fashion’

Dear Editor,

I am writing in support of Penny Young’s candidacy for Town Council. I have known Penny for 20 years, and have worked with her on the board of the League of Women Voters for the past 15, including working with her closely to educate the public on town matters and to promote good governance when I was president of the League. In her role on Town Council, Penny has been a leader in our community focusing on the same types of issues. Assigned by the chair of the Town Council to follow the Charter provisions for several years, she identified issues ripe for study, discussion and possible change. Ultimately she requested that the Council form a Charter Revision Commission, and was selected to serve on that Commission.