Letter: Kit Devereaux ‘Most Experienced and Qualified’ To Be First Selectman

Dear Editor:

My husband and I are 19-year residents of New Canaan, and have raised three children in this community. I am writing to encourage all citizens to vote in our municipal election this year. We can come together in a bipartisan manner to elect Kit Devereaux as our First Selectman. I endorse Kit because she is the most experienced and qualified to be our Town leader. Kit has extensive experience serving our Town government, including positions on the Board of Finance, Town Council, and Parks & Recreation.

Letter: Re-Elect Town Treasurer Andrew Brooks

The Town of New Canaan is fortunate to have Andrew Brooks as its Treasurer, and we deserve to have him continue in that position. During his tenure as Treasurer, Andrew has transformed the office from an honorary role into one of significant substance. He has applied his financial experience and leadership skills to implement real changes in the way our tax dollars are managed. Among other contributions, Andrew has enriched the Town’s treasury by increasing income from investments, strengthening scrutiny and containment of the Town’s expenditures, reducing fees and protecting our AAA bond rating in spite of Connecticut’s multiple rating downgrades. He has collaborated closely with our Audit Committee, external auditors, and Finance Department officials to propose and implement enhanced internal controls.

Letter: Supporting Rob Fryer for Town Treasurer

Editor, New Canaanite;

I am writing in support of Rob Fryer for Town Treasurer and to encourage every New Canaan resident (regardless of party) to vote for Rob this November. New Canaan needs a treasurer with Rob’s impressive professional qualifications and deep business experience (almost five decades as a CPA, more than three as a senior partner in one of the “Big 4” professional accounting firms), a man with deep roots in our community (twenty-nine years and counting!), a full time resident prepared to commit the time, energy, and hard work needed to discharge the extensive responsibilities required by the Town’s charter and the state’s statutes, and a person whose calm and thoughtful approach to the challenges and opportunities facing New Canaan will make him a valued partner with, and strong resource for, our elected and appointed officials. Rob Fryer is simply the best person for the job and we should elect him this November and let him get to work for our Town and its taxpayers. Respectfully,

George Blauvelt

Letter: Colm Dobbyn for Town Council


I have served with Colm Dobbyn on New Canaan’s Inland Wetlands Commission for five plus years. He is exactly the kind of person we need on Town Council. Colm is very smart, a good listener and always fair-minded. As a corporate attorney, currently at MasterCard and formerly at PepsiCo, Colm has had years of experience dispassionately analyzing complex problems and coming up with creative solutions. He has used these skills to good effect on the IWC, where he is a thought leader and his clear arguments often command the agreement of other commission members.

Letter: Rob Fryer for Town Treasurer

Experience, accountability and commitment—this is what we will get when we elect Rob Fryer for Town Treasurer. Rob has had 45 years of experience as a CPA 34 of which was as a partner at Deloitte. Rob retired a few years ago and still provides financial advice to some major corporations. He also provides his skills to The New Canaan Community Foundation and The New Canaan Land Trust. His effort will make certain that our financial controls are strong and our records are in order.