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Former Parks & Rec Commissioner To Be Removed from ‘Volunteer Appreciation Reception’ Notice
The organizers of an upcoming event recognizing those who recently served on municipal boards in New Canaan say a former Parks & Recreation Commission member who resigned this summer following a second domestic arrest will not attend. Jack Hawkins’s name is being removed from a notice of the Town of New Canaan Volunteer Appreciation Reception, scheduled for Sept. 15, according to Kathleen Corbet. An original list of 29 volunteers from various boards and commissions on the notice included Hawkins.
Corbet said that the list is “being changed for various reasons” and will be re-sent. Asked for the reason it changed with respect to Hawkins specifically, Corbet said, “I don’t care to share it but just a number of names on that list are being changed for various reasons and I prefer to leave it at that, Michael.”
It’s unclear what the thought process was in including Hawkins on the invite initially.
Corbet said only that more than 150 people who serve on town boards and commissions, including those whose terms finished in the last 18 months, were invited.