Animal 411
Moynihan: Animal Shelter Is Actually a Police Commission Issue
More than one year after concerns about the condition of New Canaan’s animal shelter were raised publicly, and weighing in multiple times, First Selectman Kevin Moynihan said last week that the facility falls within the jurisdiction of an appointed town body, not him. People should voice their concerns about the shelter—a non-insulated former incinerator building, located at the town dump—to the Police Commission, Moynihan said during a Dec. 15 meeting of the Board of Selectmen. “There has been lot of chatter about animal shelter,” Moynihan said during the meeting, held via videoconference. “People don’t realize that the Police Commission doesn’t report to me and the animal control officer reports to the police chief, and I think if there’s issues that we want to raise here, people should raise them with the Police Commission,” he said.