Animal 411
Fox Has Been Sunning Itself on Footpath at Irwin Park, Animal Control Urges Dog Owners to Hold Leashes Tightly
A perfectly healthy fox at Irwin Park has been sunning itself along the Flexi-pave path back of Gores Pavilion, prompting Animal Control authorities to urge visitors to hold their dog leashes tightly and mind the longer, retractable ones. That’s because larger dogs spotting the fox likely will lunge at it—possibly breaking free of leashes—and could chase and scrap with the small animal. Animal Control Officer Maryann Kleinschmitt said she approached the fox on the path this week and “was able to get within two or three feet of the animal before it got up and ran off.”
“I followed it into a brushy area and it’s a very healthy fox, no sign of mange,” Kleinschmitt said. “The problem is not the fox. It’s not going to go after a dog or people, it’s just sunning.