Letter: New Canaan ‘Lucky’ To Have Rich Townsend Running for Town Council

I have no direct ties to Rich, but after witnessing his first debate this summer I was moved by his down to earth practical approach: make every decision based on the impact it will have on property values (as a whole). I walked away feeling New Canaan is lucky to have him running for office. Stanford MBA, Former CFO of Loral Space & Communications, long history living and raising his family in New Canaan and time … to work for the benefit of New Canaan. This town is in need of more smart, independent and transparent elected officials working as a team to accomplish goals. This town needs leadership that will come with this election.

Letter: Rich Townsend for Town Council

I am writing in support of Rich Townsend for Town Council. I have had the pleasure to know Rich for six years as a responsible community supporter, successful businessman, a passionate, intelligent, and humble leader. Throughout his 30 years in New Canaan, Rich has earned the respect and support of many town constituents. He has a common-sense approach that is supported by research and facts. Rich is committed to protecting our property values, and is focused on what matters.

Letter: Rich Townsend Best Candidate for ‘Future Success of New Canaan’

On Election Day, I will be casting my ballot for Richard Townsend to become a member of New Canaan’s town council. Rich and his wife Cathy were two of the first welcoming members of New Canaan when we were considering moving to town and began attending the United Methodist Church three years ago. Rich is a dedicated member of our choir and helps run the monthly outings for New Canaan’s presence at Habitat for Humanity building houses in Bridgeport. Rich is always encouraging but never pushy to gather us to join him on a given Saturday to help with Habitat. I often see him walking around town and sometimes bump into him on Elm Street; he’s always in the best of moods.

Letter: Town Council Candidate Rich Townsend Will Protect New Canaan Taxpayers

Connecticut has the wealthiest, most educated citizens of any state in the nation. So why is our state government broke? We lack a state budget and risk downgrades from rating agencies. Connecticut could become the first junk-rated state in the nation. It doesn’t matter how rich you are—if you spend more than you make, then sooner or later you are going to be in trouble.

Letter: In Support of Rich Townsend for New Canaan Town Council

Five percent. Almost any organization has at least 5 percent of its budget it can cut. In fact, it can usually do an even better job with the remaining leaner organization. That is one of the many reasons why I support Rich Townsend for New Canaan Town Council. He is focused on protecting our property values through fiscal discipline, including a 5 percent spending cut as a baseline for government spending.