School Cafeterias Score High in Health Inspections; ‘Risk Factor’ Violations at NCHS, Saxe and West
Each of New Canaan’s six public school cafeterias scored at least 95 points out of a possible 100 in recent unannounced inspections by the New Canaan Health Department. Three of the cafs were cited for more serious “risk factor” violations during inspections conducted by Sanitarian and Restaurant/Food Inspector Carla DeLucia—one each at the high school, middle school and West School. East School earned a perfect 100. The overall scores were:
East: 100
South: 99
West: 97
Saxe: 98
NCHS: 95
Here are the details, noted by the sanitarian, at the most recent inspection for each school—risk factor violations are noted with an asterisk:
East (Jan. 11)—zero violations
South (Jan.