Town To Reduce Speed Limits on Four Roads from 30 to 25 MPH
Members of the volunteer group that oversees traffic in New Canaan are seeking to reduce from 30 to 25 mph the speed limits on four remaining roads in town where it makes sense to do so. Following the most recent meeting of the Police Commission, officials will ask permission from the state to reduce the speed limit on Silvermine Road to 25 mph—something residents of the area long have wanted—and then will take up the same change on Weed Street north of Elm Street, Wahackme Road and Old Norwalk Road near Route 123. Tiger Mann, assistant director of the Department of Public Works, told members of the Police Commission at their Nov. 16 meeting that he would recommend the change “for uniformity’s sake alone, since we only have four roads left [at 30 mph], to take each one to the state and get to 25 mph across the board.”
Commissioners voted 3-0 in favor of the change. After a formal letter requesting the reduced speed limits from Police Chief Leon Krolikowski goes to the state and receives approval, it would be up to four weeks for the state make its decision and then just a few days to swap out signage, Mann said at the meeting, held in the training room at the New Canaan Police Department.