Police Chief Leon Krolikowski shared the following letters of appreciation for NCPD officers at Wednesday night’s meeting of the Police Commission.

New Canaan Police Department Color Guard. L-R: Officer Shane Gibson, Officer Christopher Dewey, Sgt. Aaron LaTourette and Officer Matthew Blank. At the Veterans Day ceremony on God’s Acre, Nov. 11, 2020. Credit: Michael Dinan
Officer Matthew Blank
“Recently, two second grade ESL (English as a Second Language) students completed a unit on using Detective Skills to help develop their reading skills. Their motivation for this unit was to meet a real live detective/police officer and ‘compare notes’ at the end. They worked diligently and prepared for this special day. Today, Officer Blank came to South School to meet our students and it was the most unbelievable experience for them, and for me. Officer Blank made these students feel as the most important people in the whole school He gave them his undivided attention and truly listened to them. Moreover, he catered his responses to their world. For example, what is the most important characteristic of a detective? He answered, listening skills, attention to detail and writing! Is there a detective school? YES, police officers and detectives are still learning all the time! And my favorite…Do detectives use magnifying lenses? YES! And he had one with him! I cannot believe what a wonderful experience this was. Officer Blank is a natural with children. New Canaan is truly blessed to have him.”
—Lizette D’Amico, May 2

New Canaan Police Officer Kelly Coughlin.
Officer Kelly Coughlin
“Thank you for your support – the NC Color Drop was a great success yesterday. The NCHS Scholarship Foundation seems to have an in with the weather gods! Kelly, thank you for joining us again this year – it’s great to have you there.”
—Steffi Loomis, March 27

New Canaan Police Department Honor Guard, L-R: Officer Christopher Dewey, Officer Shane Gibson and Sgt. Aaron LaTourette. Photo courtesy of NCPD
Officers Roberto Lopez, Shane Gibson, Kelly Coughlin, Joseph Schinella, Giancarlo Vincenzi and Annamaria Ceci.
“Ofc. Coughlin recently coordinated New Canaan PD’s debut at the annual Special Olympics Penguin Plunge to help raise money for the Special Olympics of CT. On Saturday April 2nd, Ofc.’s Lopez, Coughlin, Gibson, Ceci, Schinella, Vincenzi and I, along with brothers Matt and Tim Walsh from town, met at Jennings Beach in Fairfield and ran into the freezing cold water! Christine was there as well with our family to cheer us all on! In our first year of participating, Team New Canaan won the award for most money raised by a public safety organization—over $3,300! I specifically want to highlight Ofc. Coughlin’s dedication to her role with the Special Olympics. Although she said it was not a big deal to organize, getting that many people to volunteer their time on a Saturday was no easy feat. She also had a nice spread of coffee and food set up for us at the beach which was greatly appreciated. In addition to raising money for a worthy cause, these officers brought positive publicity to the New Canaan Police Department as well as the LE profession and I wanted to make sure you were all aware. Thanks, Joe”
—Lt. Joseph Farenga, April 12
“Thanks to you all for supporting this amazing cause. Your exceptional volunteerism will be discussed at the next Police Commission meeting, and this email will be placed in your personnel files. Thanks for representing our PD so well! Best, Leon”
—Chief Leon Krolikowski, April 19

Officers Bryan Connolly and Christopher Dewey at the May 27, 2021 promotion and awards ceremony outside the New Canaan Police Department. Credit: Michael Dinan
Officer Christopher Dewey
“Today we had a larceny involving juvenile[s]. They took multiple things. I followed them up Elm Street while speaking to dispatch and after they went into Starbucks Officer Dewey arrived. We have a lot of larceny’s lately but this was by far handled the best. He really knows how to handle children with these types of situation. He is calm, but extremely thorough. One of the best here. Restitution was made and all is good. Thanks to Officer Dewey and his quick response. Thanks, Maria”
—Maria Kean, May 10

L-R: New Canaan Police Officers Emily Clark, Erin McCarthy, Giancarlo Vincenzi and Joe Schinella at the Jan. 31, 2020 “Coffee with a Cop” at Zumbach’s. Credit: Michael Dinan
Officer Kelly Coughlin
“Dear Chief Krolikowski:
On behalf of the town of Newtown, thank you for allowing Officer Kelly Coughlin to serve as a role player at the recently held oral board examination for the position of sergeant. Police departments being able to provide resources is essential to the promotional testing process. We greatly appreciate your willingness to assist and to help ensure that the most qualified persons rise in their department.”
—Charles Sherwood, director, South Central Criminal Justice Administration, March 21