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Letter: New Canaan DTC Supports Toll Legislation
The New Canaan Democratic Town Committee voted overwhelmingly in support of Governor Ned Lamont’s toll legislation and the position of our legislators, State Senator Will Haskell, State Senator Alex Bergstein and State Representative Lucy Dathan for the following common-sense reasons:
A study released by consultant CDM Smith at the end of 2018 laid out some potential locations, pricing and benefits for electronic tolling in Connecticut. Tolls could produce more than $1 billion a year in revenue for the State by 2023. Of that, a little more than 40% would come from out-of-state motorists. About 71% of revenue would come from passenger vehicles with the rest coming from trucks and buses. One potential outline would have Connecticut E-Z Pass holders pay 4.4 cents off-peak and 5.5 cents on-peak per mile. As an example it would cost $4.93 peak ($6.16 peak) for EZ Pass from New York border to Rhode Island.