Historic ‘Brick House’ Opens To the Public

Though New Canaan’s prized centerpiece of Mid Century Modern architecture—the Glass House—has been open for public tours for nearly 20 years, to have it without its counterpart, the Brick House, “is actually to miss a key element of what Philip Johnson was trying to do,” according to architecture critic and writer Paul Goldberger. “Without the Brick House, the Glass House would not exist, not only because the mechanical systems are connected underground, sort of like an umbilical cord, but the joining is almost more important metaphorically as a reminder of different aspects of domestic life,” Goldberger told a crowd of Glass House staff members present and past, supporters, National Trust for Historic Preservation representatives and media members during a formal unveiling of the restored Brick House, held April 30 at the famed 49-acre historic site (the tour season is now open). “Every building, every resident, everywhere any of us live, has aspects of it that are public and aspects that are private,” he continued. “Johnson, very eager to explore that idea, that duality, and make it into kind of an architectural statement in itself, broke the public and private parts apart, and exaggerated both of them. The Glass House, with its transparency, symbolizes the ultimate public space.

VFW Seeks Volunteers and Donations for Flag Placing at Lakeview Cemetery

Volunteers are wanted to assist VFW Post 653 in New Canaan to place new flags at the graves of fallen soldiers in their honor for Memorial Day.  

All are welcome to participate on Saturday, May 18, from 8am to 10am at the Lakeview Cemetery on Main Street in New Canaan. Please gather using the Lakeview Avenue entrance, the VFW tent will be straight ahead and there is ample parking down to the right. 

Refreshments will be served. Last year, the VFW removed the flags it had placed, so that these flags may be reused for this year. Removing the flags, is following proper flag etiquette and protocol established at Arlington Cemetery, and of course, has the added benefit of reusing flags, thereby reducing waste and conserving funds. 

Removing flags is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 8 at 8am, but unlike flag placement, is weather-dependent. Memorial poppies will be available for any donation made to New Canaan VFW Post 653 the Saturday and Sunday of May 18 and 19 and of Memorial Day weekend at several New Canaan businesses (ACME, Dunkin Donuts, Walter Stewart’s Market and Zumbach’s).

‘A Wonderful New Canaan Tradition’: May Fair Delights Kids, Families [PHOTOS]

New Canaanites and visitors to town descended on “the midway” at St. Mark’s Episcopalian Church on Friday and Saturday for the 75th annual May Fair. Peter Hanson of Marvin Ridge Road said he’s lived in the same house in New Canaan for 60 years and on Saturday morning attended his 60th May Fair. “The rides have gotten bigger,” Hanson said as he and his wife, Karen, prepared to dig into their strawberry shortcake. “Everything is getting smaller in my life—the school I went to, the house I grew up in.

Did You Hear … ?

New Canaan Police at 7:56 a.m. on April 30 received a report of a vehicle stolen from an Old Studio Road driveway. It was recovered in West Hartford. ***

Congratulations to New Canaan resident Justina Marque, a ninth-grader at King School, on winning a 2024 Global Education Benchmark Group Salomon Prize. The award recognizes students who effectively use writing or other media to illustrate/reflect their intercultural and global growth through classroom study, travel programs, or other school experiences. ***

The 2024 New Canaan CARES Home Tour will be held Friday, May 31 (home tour 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., patron party 2 to 4 p.m.).

New Canaan Land Trust Acquires ‘Grupes Homestead’ on Valley Road

The New Canaan Land Trust has acquired a long-disused property on upper Valley Road, guaranteeing preservation of an antique structure once slated for demolition and providing a first-ever headquarters for the esteemed local nonprofit organization. 

The acquisition of 1124 Valley Road, final as of April 19, ends years of enmity between the town and 2.23-acre property’s former owner, the First Taxing District of Norwalk. 

The town in 2018 had offered to acquire what was then a full four-acre parcel for $1.2 million. But the Taxing District rejected that offer. After applying for a demolition permit and then withdrawing it, the Taxing District later rejected the town’s offer to purchase just the house with .8 acres carved out around it, for $250,000—a figure New Canaan had arrived at following an appraisal of the property. Then former First Selectman Kevin Moynihan (a retired lawyer who routinely overspent the town’s legal budget) threatened to take it by eminent domain. The property abuts the Grupes Reservoir connects directly to the Browne Preserve, one of the first properties to come under the protection of the Land Trust.