Prospector Theatre is one of the companies in talks with the town regarding a future use of the New Canaan Playhouse on Elm Street, First Selectman Kevin Moynihan said during Wednesday’s regular meeting of the Town Council.
Board of Ethics Chair Tucker Clauss during a regular meeting Monday reported that the group received by mail a one-page anonymous ethics complaint with a photograph. In filing anonymously, the complainant was out of compliance with New Canaan’s ordinance, Clauss said, though he clearly had studied the Code of Ethics because he cited a specific provision in it. Ultimately, the matter was resolved through an informal conversation with the subject of the complaint, Clauss said. Clauss aded that he later discovered the complainant had talked to other town officials about the matter, in violation of state and local confidentiality laws.

Catherine Palmer during a Greenwich P&Z meeting this week. Zoom photo
“Breeder purchases puppies from a mill and then sells with fake papers. If you want to pay crazy money for fake papers and sick animals go here.”—This Aug. 16, 2020 Seller Review was added Thursday to the case file in the custody dispute involving 12 dogs, between the town of New Canaan and Catherine Palmer, arrested by warrant last month following a months-long investigation and charged with three counts of cruelty to animals. The case will commence at 10:30 a.m. Friday, according to Connecticut Judicial Branch records. Expert witnesses called to the case by the town include New Canaan Police Animal Control Officer Allyson Halm and Dr. Paul Potenza of New Canaan Veterinary Hospital, court records show. Separately, Palmer this week appeared before the Greenwich Planning & Zoning Commission as she seeks to convert a basement a rental residence there into a bedroom. Neighbors spoke out in opposition of her application, according to a report in the Greenwich Free Press. Greenwich town records show she’s already been issued two stop-work orders.
New Canaan Police Chief Leon Krolikowski during Wednesday’s Police Commission meeting reported that the department through November had received 46 calls this year related to psychiatric problems compared to 32 one year ago. “ Some percentage of that I attribute also to COVID and stress and lots of psychiatric issues that people are having for a variety of different reasons,” he said.
New Canaan’s Planning & Zoning Commission this week re-elected John Goodwin as chair and Jean Grzelecki as secretary. Longtime Commissioner Jack Flinn has stepped down from the appointed body, and Chris Hering, currently a member of the Parking Commission, will become a P&Z alternate in his place.
Here’s this week’s “Wine Minute” from Francos Wine Merchants on Elm Street:
First Selectman Kevin Moynihan during a meeting Monday of the Selectmen’s Advisory Committee on Buildings and Infrastructure said comments to the appointed body from the public should be sent to his own town email address. A different email exists for the entire Board of Selectmen.
During her last meeting Monday as a founding member of the Board of Ethics, Peggy Jay shared that she has received certification by the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities as a Certified Connecticut Municipal Official. Course requirements include 36 hours of training through the organization’s programs and at least 18 more hours’ credit in three separate development areas.
The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday appointed George Bennington to the Parks & Recreation Commission for a three-year term ending Dec. 1, 2022. He presumably fills a seat that had been occupied by Doug Richardson.
Bookmark these Christmas-related events at local churches:
- Holy Night Christmas Pageant—virtually at 10 a.m. on Dec. 20
- Christmas Eve Worship on God’s Acre—RSVP to attend outdoor services at 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 7 p.m. or 11 p.m. on Dec. 25
The selectmen voted 3-0 Tuesday in favor of establishing payment of $26,000 annually to the Registrars of Voters starting next year.
Finally, a local public access cable TV channel on Wednesday was late to a Town Council meeting and failed to broadcast the Pledge of Allegiance, which was led by local Boy Scouts Jack Winalski, Jack Beauclair and Andrew Reed of Boy Scouts Troop 70 and included interviews with them afterwards. Winalski, who has 13 merit badges, said that as a patrol leader he helped organize an effort to spruce up at Canoe Hill Cemetery. Reed noted that the Troop has canoed to an island for overnight camping, carrying in and carrying out. Beauclair, who is relatively new to the Troop, said it’s been a “very fun and very educational” experience. “I feel like it’s teaching me, at least, a lot of life skills and I think everyone in Troop 70 would agree,” Beauclair said.
I would absolutely LOVE for the Ridgefield Prospector Group took over our theater. They do a spectacular job of providing entertainment to the town and creating community!
Yes, please! Prospector Theater is amazing in every way. Having them take over the Playhouse is an incredible idea. Let’s find a way to make it happen!
I echo Gina’s comments on the Prospector group and encourage NewCananites to check them out and lend support. Their mission is… “a non-profit dedicated to providing meaningful employment to people with disabilities through the operation of a first-run movie theater in Ridgefield, CT. Employees of the Theater are known as Prospects, and we are encouraged to sparkle, shine, and transform our passions into professions.”