Election 2024: Endorsement Letters


NewCanaanite.com recently received the following letter(s) of endorsement for the 2024 election. Please send letters to editor@newcanaanite.com through Oct. 21 for publication here. No letters will be published after the Oct. 22 newsletter goes out (two weeks before Election Day on Nov. 5).


Kim Healy is not just a long-time friend, but someone who exemplifies genuine care and commitment to the community of Wilton. Over the years, her dedication to the town has been evident through her sincere efforts to contribute to its well-being. As someone who deeply values relationships, Kim’s warmth and generosity are constants in both her personal and public life. Her passion for Wilton shines through, and it’s clear that her efforts stem from a heartfelt desire to see the town thrive.

Her personal investment in the community reflects her character—a person who takes the time to understand the needs of those around her and acts with integrity and empathy. Whether engaging with local issues or offering support to friends, Kim’s authenticity and caring nature always stand out.

I proudly support Kim Healy for State Representative for the 42nd district.

Annie Chochos

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