Here’s a sample of recent ticket appeals filed with the New Canaan Parking Bureau.
“I received a ticket on the morning of 1/24 for overtime parking while in the post office. I was in the post office for 15 mins. My tire was never marked not was I parked in the spot over the allotted amount of time. I was parked in a 30min zone within the white lines.”
—$25 for overtime parking on Locust Avenue, at 10:33 a.m. on Jan. 24 (New Canaan work address)

Organizations cannot control which motorists promote them on bumper stickers—though at certain times they may wish they could. Credit: Michael Dinan
“I am from the state of MA [Massachusetts]. I did not see any signs nearby that said that that parking spot was only for two hours. After I got the ticket to walk at least 5-10 cars away to see a sign. I believe that the holiday decorations (garland) were either covering the sign or maybe a sign had fallen down. Could you please waive the $25 fee due to lack of signage?”
—$25 for overtime parking on Elm Street, at 3:25 p.m. on Dec. 27 (Wayland, Mass. resident)
“I had just come from People’s United Bank. I left the bank at approximately 12:11 PM. I waited for oncoming traffic on Main Street from People’s United parking lot and turned on Elm Street. I was there about 1 min with my hazards on waiting for a parking spot, the the parking patrol car approached. She got out of her car to check on a couple of cars. She then got back in her car and I haddd moved my car a bit just in case she need to check an other car. Then soon after she comes up to the side of my car and hands me a ticket the time read 12:14 PM. I told her I was waiting on a parking spot and she said ‘You saw me behind you’ I said yes and she said ‘I honked my horn’ I told her I didn’t hear her. She then said ‘You can’t wait for a parking spot and that I had to move my car, that I could not wait for a parking spot.’ I have never had a parking ticket in the 5 years I’ve worked in New Canaan CT. I don’t park illegally and I do my very best to follow all the rules. I have attached a copy of my banking transaction receipt so that you can compare the time. Thank you for your time in this matter.”
$50 for double parking on Elm Street, at 12:14 p.m. on Feb. 1 (Norwalk resident)
Parking Enforcement Officer’s Report: “Individual was double parked waiting for somebody/anybody to pull out. I drove by Elm and noticed her hazard lights. I looped around the 2nd time and pulled up behind her. I honked. Honked a 2nd time giving her a chance to move on. She did not realize I worked for the Parking Dept until I approached her car with a ticket. I drove around the block, returning to the location where she still remained. Driving by the individual, she shouted, ‘You’re an ass[expletive].’ ”

This parking space at the Town Hall lot—I mean two spaces—seem to draw a certain element in New Canaan. Credit: Michael Dinan
“West to Parking Meter upper lot – would not take space 137. Tried twice in each machine – would not take space #137.”
—$25 for unpaid space in Playhouse Lot at 12:29 p.m. on Jan. 31
Parking Bureau Note: “Parked in Playhouse Lot. Tried to pay at machines in Park Street lot.”
“I parked about 10:20-10:25 which means my two hours was up at 12:20-12:25 when I came out at 12:15 I had a ticket already.”
—$25 for overtime parking at Burtis Avenue, at 12:13 p.m. on Jan. 24
“Car parked from 12:30-2 – my brother met me out to lunch in Norwalk he brought the car back about 3pm. I have a permit for the lot but because I knew my brother needed the car I parked on the street.”
—$25 for overtime parking on Main Street, at 3:07 p.m. on Jan. 25 (New Canaan resident)
Parking Bureau Note: License plate reader pictures show car did not move.
“I apologize for over-staying my 2 hour parking spot today by 15 minutes. This will never happen again, and I humbly ask that you consider waiving the $25 overtime parking fee as it is a financially challenging time for me. I was with my mother [name], an elderly New Canaan resident with memory issues on this rainy gloomy January day. I usually walk into town with her to get her out of her apartment and to offer her companionship and stimulation (and hopefully good cheer). But the weather was cold and damp so we drove into town. We ran into a fellow [local organization] member as we were leaving town – but decided to get tea together. This was my decision as I try to give her as much social interaction as possible because it stimulates her brain. But I forgot that our parking spot was 2 hours only and we arrived 15 min late and was saddened to see the ticket.”
—$25 for overtime parking at 2:58 p.m. on Jan. 8 (Fairfield resident)
“I AM – NOT – PARK.”
—$30 for no parking zone on Elm Street at 2 p.m. on Jan. 8 (Stamford resident)
No marking on ground; did not notice sign. Also had temporary handicap sticker until Nov. (hip replacement) so I would never park there intentionally. Also Elm St. has just been changed – a lot.”
—$150 for handicapped zone, at 3:46 p.m. on Jan. 8 (New Canaan resident)
“I was parked on Main Street earlier in the day was done at work at noon – ran some errands had to be back at work at 2 pm – I parked my car on Cherry St. at 1:50 and got a ticket at 2:58.”
—$25 for overtime parking on Cherry Street, at 2:58 p.m. on Dec. 18 (Norwalk resident)
The most frustrating thing about getting around central New Canaan is people idling in the middle of Elm Street, waiting for a parking spot to open up. (I’m not talking about letting someone pull out. I mean people just waiting and hoping someone will vacate a spot somewhere down the street.) I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen traffic at a standstill on Main Street (people can’t even turn onto Elm Street) because some super important person is blocking traffic in the hope that, at some point, they will be able to snag a parking space. Putting on one’s hazards doesn’t make it any less selfish or rude. Perhaps the person ticketed for double parking could get some sort of enhanced fine. Maybe $500 would deter that type of behavior.
Yes, and it’s nearly as bad to be stuck behind a car traveling 1 mph on Elm Street in hopes that someone pulls out of a spot up ahead. There’s only one way to guarantee open parking spaces on Elm: Drive up it on a day when you don’t need to park, there’s always 2-3 spots.
On a related note, drivers on Elm Street are often double-parked in the right hand lane with their left blinker on, waiting for someone to back out of a parking space on the left side. If someone tries to pass them they get angry. Since when is a driver allowed to obstruct both lanes in order secure a parking space?