What follows are excerpts from parking ticket appeals letters filed recently with the New Canaan Parking Bureau. Where available, we’ve included information on the violation for which these people were cited, in what amount, and where and when the violation occurred. For context, we’ve also added town of residence for the ticketed motorist. We preserve spelling, capital letters and punctuation as written by the appellant.

Really bad job on the left. Credit: Michael Dinan
“I had made an appointment to meet my friend for a birthday breakfast at Baldanza’s at 9:30 (her birthday and mine)—I am positive that I was a few mins later in meeting her. We were very cognizant of the 2 hour limit, but when we left we discovered that tickets had been placed on BOTH cars! I really don’t think that we exceeded the 2 hour limit, so I respectfully ask that the parking ticket be dismissed. I am usually very careful about observing parking rules and I would not violate these. If I exceeded the 2-hour limit, I am positive that it was literally 1-2 mins. Please consider my appeal! Thank you!”
—$25 for overtime parking on Elm Street at 11:35 a.m. on Feb. 13 (Darien resident)

Bad in reverse. Credit: Michael Dinan
“Care was on whiteline – and car was parked slightly crooked because car next to me was diagonal – didn’t want them to ding my doors.”
—$30 for obstructing two spaces in Morse Court, at 11:59 a.m. on Feb. 2 (Darien resident)
“I live in Westport, CT and came to New Canaan a little before noon on Wednesday, January 24, 2018, to lead a meditation session sponsored by the Community Mindfulness Project, a non-profit organization offering free meditation sessions to the public at several locations in Fairfield County, at the New Canaan Public Library on Main Street. I did notice the 2-hr limit parking sign, but the meditation session is one hour and I didn’t think there would be a time issue. However, one of the participants engaged me in conversation after the session, and then without realizing how time had passed, I walked from where my car was parked on Cherry St. to the Starbucks 3 blocks to make a purchase. When I returned to my car around 2:10 p.m., I found the ‘overtime parking’ ticket on my windshield. I had come to New Canaan to lead a community meditation session, and then patronized a store in the Town of New Canaan. I do not think it is appropriate to fine me $25 for parking 10 more minutes on a low-commercial Street. Are you saying I had over-stayed my welcome? If there had been a meter, I probably would have paid $2.00 for 2 hrs time, which is roughly the amount of time I was parked. Also, since there are no parking meters along Cherry Street, I wasn’t aware that my time there was being closely monitored. Are there surveillance cameras with time stamps taping long long cars are parked? I teach meditation and yoga because I enjoy sharing the benefits of these practices with others, but also because it is how I earn some money. And ta this time, my husband’s wholesale gift company has dwindled to a fraction of its former size, and at a time when we shoul be preparing to retire comfortably, we are struggling financially. So I am asking you to pelase dismiss this first parking infraction, and in the future, if I park along Cherry Street when I visit the Library, I will be more attentive to the 2-hr time limit. I really appreciate your kind consideration of this matter.”
—$25 for overtime parking on Cherry Street, at 1:56 p.m. on Jan. 24 (Westport resident)

Over the line. Credit: Michael Dinan
“I parked in what I believe is a combination permit and daily purchase permit parking lot. I purchased a daily ticket … to park in the lot. If you will remember, January 5th was an extremely cold day, and on that morning, most of the lot was covered in snow and ice. I looked for a parking space where I parked, or on spaces near me, and could not find one under the snow & ice. So, rather than not pay, since I could not find a spot number, and since the daily parking permit requires a space number to purchase a parking permit, my son entered a random number (#101) into the machine. We purchased the ticket at 9:32 a.m. on January 5th, 2018, just after we parked. We were ticketed at 12:23pm on January 5th, 2018. The daily parking permit says on it, to keep for my record; perhaps I should have left it on the windshield. I wasn’t sure what to do. But, I did pay to park that day, and still, I got a parking ticket.”
—New Canaan resident
—$25 for unpaid space at Morse Court, at 12:01 p.m. on Feb. 10 (Greenwich resident)
“I received this ticket outside my Dr.’s office. I had a 9:30 appt. I arrived at 9:30. The ticket was written at 9:35 am. thisis not right. I called and was told to write a note and return with the ticket.”
—$25 for overtime parking (appellant gave Purchase, N.Y. address)