Letter: ‘Thanking Rob’ and ‘Picking Kit’ for First Selectman


I thank Rob. I pick Kit.

Our town owes a debt of gratitude to a truly civic-minded public official, Rob Mallozzi. Like so many who have served as First Selectman before him, Rob’s dedication to our community has been broad and deep.

Growing up in New Canaan, I learned to work a cash register at Bob’s Sports. I also watched Bob’s family contribute to the town in many ways. The Mallozzi family did well in New Canaan and has always also done good. Rob has continued that tradition. On top of all his other responsibilities, Rob found the time to volunteer with the New Canaan Fire Company and has been a valued member for many years. I’m guessing he is the only New Canaan First Selectman ever decorated for rescuing a victim from a fire.

Rob’s motivation in town service wasn’t to get rich, stoke his ego, or to use New Canaan as a steppingstone to some other political office – it was to care for our town and lead it in a direction he thought was right. It’s not an easy job and never has been.

Many of us have strong opinions about decisions made by town leaders, as well we should. In the decades I’ve been paying attention and taxes, the town has by and large been able to steer clear of the political vitriol and dysfunction afflicting our country and state. Let’s keep it that way. The toxicity of today’s national political discourse should not become the new normal in our town.

Kit Devereaux is a pragmatic, highly qualified leader with no partisan agenda. She wants what’s right for New Canaan and will engage and respect all voices in charting our course. She is a fair-minded and strong leader with the background and experience we need now. I know her and trust her.

Please join me in thanking Rob and voting for Kit.

Jane Stoddard Williams

New Canaan

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