Letter to the Editor


NewCanaanite.com recently received the following letter. Send letters to editor@newcanaanite.com for publication here.


How many movies are fun, feel-good and deeply meaningful all at once?  

Empire Waist poster

That rare trifecta comes to the newly renovated Playhouse Theatre in “Empire Waist” on September 27, running through October 3.

New Canaan’s Claire Ayoub wrote and directed the film, which follows a group of teens who learn to love their bodies through friendship and inclusive fashion design. We’re told that attendance next week can influence how widely the film is distributed nationally.  This is incredibly important because all teens (and their families and people of all ages!) who struggle with body image need to see this inspiring work.  

Thanks to Cinema Lab who hosted an advance screening of Empire Waist including an insightful live interview of Ms. Ayoub by Sheri West. The Playhouse seems to be delivering on its promise to be a true community-based theatre, not just a place to watch movies.

Tom Butterworth

One thought on “Letter to the Editor

  1. Couldn’t agree more, Tom! I absolutely loved everything about this movie. It tackles important topics and delivers joy. Also, when else will you be able to go the Playhouse and watch a brilliant movie written and directed by a NewCanaanite?

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