6 thoughts on “Letters of Endorsement

  1. Resident Sheri West raises an interesting point in her endorsement letter:
    “Many are surprised to learn that our Board of Ed doesn’t reflect our town. While only 37% of New Canaan voters are registered Republican, our Board of Ed remains 67% Republican.”

    Every year the Office of the Secretary of the State publishes statistics based on information received from Registrars of Voters from our 169 municipalities.

    The last Registration and Enrollment Statistics for New Canaan [November 1, 2022] were as follows:

    36.4% Republican
    26.4% Democratic
    1.3% Minor Parties, i.e., Green, Independent, Libertarian, etc.
    35.9% Unaffiliated

    If we examine the composition of our boards, commissions, [Town Council, Parks and Recreation, Police Commission, BOS, etc.] we would find that most do not reflect the parties of New Canaan’s registered voters.

    Perhaps, it is time for the Charter Review Commission to examine the size and composition of our boards, councils, commissions, etc. to better capture the voter population of New Canaan.

  2. Party representation is not set by Town Charter, but by CT State law. It is outlined in Sec. 9-167a.
    Minority representation. (a)(1) Except as provided in subdivision (2) of this subsection, the maximum number of members of any board, commission, legislative body, committee or similar body of the state or any political subdivision thereof, whether elective or appointive, who may be members of the same political party, shall be as specified in the following table: (Formatting is odd)
    Total Membership
    Maximum from One Party
        More than 9…………………………………………..Two-thirds of
                            total membership

  3. Ms. West should look at the numbers. Every sitting Republican BOE member out-polled their Democrat opponents in free and fair Town-wide elections. Thankfully our system honors actual voting and doesn’t merely hand out BOE seats in proportion to party affiliation.

  4. CGS 9-167a states that the majority party cannot have more than a certain number of members on a board or commission, but they certainly can have fewer.